Today on the Everything Belongs podcast, we are in conversation with Andréa Ranae Johnson. Andréa is a teacher, coach, facilitator and a writer. She is a vision-led facilitator and coach who believes that together, we rise. She is deeply committed to doing her part in cultivating a world that works for everyone and does so by placing her work at the intersections of personal growth, social justice and conscious business. Andréa runs her podcast, A Call to Serve, as well as 2 courses: Rise Up: Visionary Business for These Times and Whole / Self Liberation.In this stirring conversation, Madison and Andréa take on the very deep topic of performative belonging, accepting differences as a radical act of sovereignty and looking at our relationship to our own power. From start to finish, Andréa speaks from her deep sense of sovereignty on self responsibility, trusting (instead of trying to manipulate) others' personal decisions and choosing our wholeness and sovereignty. They also go deep on social media and dealing with the wide array of criticism and judgement there. You'll want to tune in with your full attention to this one. Listen in here... 

In This episode we Talk about:

Andréa's learning of how bigger world issues are symptoms are rooted in our lack of ability to accept differencesSocial media, criticism, audience perception and what is and is NOT our responsibility thereDecision making power is still within us AND it can be manipulated by belonging (both by us and them)The bittersweet liberation of accepting when other’s decisions are theirs, even if it is different then your ownAndrea's own personal experience with racial oppressionBelonging, fitting in, learning human design and showing up as fully usMuch, much more...

Where to find:

Andréa's Website

Andréa's Instagram

Andréa's Podcast

Andréa's Courses:

Rise Up: Visionary Business for These TimesWhole / Self Liberation