"One of the paradoxes about life is that when we're really open to life, the tremendous suffering and the tremendous joy can coexist." - Donna Brooks
The post The Yoga of Grief | Donna Brooks appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this special episode, somatic yoga therapist Donna Brooks shares how the death of her son, Michael, shaped her teaching and approach to working with grief and loss. Listen to Episode 159 here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the show:

Donna Brooks' website: www.originalbodywisdom.com
Donna's course, Stepping Safely Into the Chaos of Grief with YogaU: https://yogauonline.com/yogau-product/10581
The Radical Legacy of Michael Jamal Brooks: https://www.dsausa.org/democratic-left/the-radical-legacy-of-michael-jamal-brooks/
The Dharma of Michael Brooks (Josh's eulogy to Michael): https://joshsummers.net/podcast/dharma-of-michael-brooks/

The post The Yoga of Grief | Donna Brooks appeared first on Josh Summers.