"I would say that cognitive empathy is a strength that needs to be built, cognitive empathy being the ability to look at things from the perspective of other people. And one thing the explain-excuse conflation does is undermine cognitive empathy." - Robert Wright
The post Robert Wright: Existential Psychological Threats appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this conversation, Robert Wright and Josh discuss how cognitive biases create existential psychological threats, essentially derailing humanity’s capacity to tackle global issues that demand global cooperation. This talk is part of Josh’s series with Bob, called “The Dharma of Bob.” Listen to our discussion here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Robert Wright's Nonzero Newsletter, on averting the apocalypse: https://nonzero.substack.com
Robert Wright's books: The Moral Animal / Nonzero / The Evolution of God / Why Buddhism is True

Ways to support the show:

Ongoing, online practice with Josh and Terry in the River Bird Sangha: https://joshsummers.net/sangha
Take a class ($10): https://joshsummers.net/classes
Buy The Buddha's Playbook and Guided Meditation series ($10): https://joshsummers.net/book/buddhas-playbook
Online training courses in Yin Yoga, TCM, Meditation, and Yang Yoga The Sublime Quartet ($149):


The post Robert Wright: Existential Psychological Threats appeared first on Josh Summers.