"The perch is the seed of stillness. Receptivity is the seed of awareness. And choice is the seed of surrender. In the beginning, these principles feel distinct, but with time, they become three facets of the same unified field of experience." - Josh Summers
The post On Meditative Process and Experience: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this episode, Josh discusses some of the broad developmental phases of the meditative process. He also reflects on how the themes of Yin Meditation (perch, receptivity, and choice) help facilitate the unfolding of the meditative journey. Listen to Episode 115 here or in your preferred podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Practice with Josh and Terry: https://joshsummers.net/sangha
Upcoming Workshops: https://joshsummers.net/events/workshops

The post On Meditative Process and Experience: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.