Loch Kelly explains the relationship between two distinct neural structures in the brain: The Default Mode Network and the Task Positive Network. Learn how non-dual mindfulness harmonizes these two networks, priming your mind for greater creativity and flow.
The post Loch Kelly: Neuroscience of Non-Dual Mindfulness appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this final installment of my four-part interview series with meditation teacher Loch Kelly, we discuss some of the neuroscience research on the impact of non-dual mindfulness on the brain and mind. He explains the relationship between two distinct neural structures in the brain, and how non-dual mindfulness can harmonize these two networks, priming your mind for greater creativity and flow.

Listen to Episode 79 here or in your favorite podcast app.

Links from the Episode

Loch Kelly, The Way of Effortless Mindfulness
Loch's website: www.lochkelly.org
Special Offer: The Sublime Quartet

The post Loch Kelly: Neuroscience of Non-Dual Mindfulness appeared first on Josh Summers.