If you sit and patiently endure, you find your mind going into a state of calm. That calm occurs because there's no more trying to become something or trying to get rid of something. - Ajahn Sumedho
The post From Patience to Peace: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.

In this talk, Josh reflects on the essential heart quality of patience in practice. Listen to Episode 149 here or in your favorite podcast app.

Practice Suggestions:

Winter Retreat – A Day of Yin (December 11): Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Yin Meditation with Josh Summers and Terry Cockburn. https://joshsummers.net/online-retreat-121121/
Shop: Yin Yoga and meditation Workshops, Courses,Trainings and Books: https://joshsummers.net/shop/
River Bird Sangha: Weekly Online Classes (Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, Meditation) with Josh and Terry: https://joshsummers.net/sangha/

The post From Patience to Peace: Dharma Talk appeared first on Josh Summers.