The therapeutic encounter between a practitioner and patient is, in many regards, the most important part of a healing relationship. This encounter is another way of referring to the placebo effect. But far from being ineffective, all good healers try to maximize this effect. According to Dr. Daniel Keown, acupuncture is one of the most sublime forms of the therapeutic encounter.
The post Dr. Daniel Keown: Acupuncture and Placebos appeared first on Josh Summers.

In part three of my interview with Dr. Daniel Keown, we discuss: Acupuncture and what it is most effective at treating; Dan’s thoughts on placebos and placebo research; and how you can improve your health by growing some of your own food.

Links from the Episode

Dan’s website:

I plan to invite Dan back to the podcast later this year. If you have any questions that you’d like me to ask of him, please email me at josh at joshsummers dot net.

In the next episode, I’ll talk with French Yin Yoga teacher Sebastian Pucelle, and how he thinks about integrating meditation practice within Yin Yoga.

As I mentioned in the episode, I would love to have you train with me at

The post Dr. Daniel Keown: Acupuncture and Placebos appeared first on Josh Summers.