Back-to-basics positivity, engagement, humor...and Visualization.

That is the formula Steve Gamlin has been bringing to stages of all sizes for more than 16 years. 

 "If you wake up tomorrow and THINK one more positive thought, SPEAK one more kind word or take at least one more positive ACTION...our time together is a massive win."

 This is how Steve opens every event, explaining his mission as "The Motivational Firewood™ Guy".

 Are you looking for a speaker who has created success in his own life and business, yet is still a 'real' person with the ability to communicate the steps in simple, actionable terms?

 Do you like to laugh while you learn?




Radio Show:

 Steve Gamlin speaks from the critical space between personal and professional goals, knowing that true success lies in the engagement and integration of the two.

 He believes this is the only formula you need to know:

Decide exactly what you want. Know what it looks like. Get to work and take action to make it happen.

As the Motivational Firewood™ Guy, Steve walks his talk as authentically as he can, sharing repeatable steps to success, reminding us all that we have much more power to create it than we may believe. 

 Blending humor and personal recollections of his own 'crash and burn to recovery' life story (Steve's believes his phoenix rides a pogo stick), he lives his message with every step across the stage and social media.

What would you do to make a bigger impact in the world?  

Melahni Qualls Ake Founder of Everyday Leaders and husband Joe Ake, Founder of Joe Ake Studios Productions Together they created Everyday Leaders 50in50 Podcast

Melahni is a passionate professional and personal development leadership coach, trainer and keynote speaker and has been certified through John Maxwell since March 2017.   John's book the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth have been the biggest influence in Melahni's personal growth journey and helped her to realize the power of her own story, the value of influence in the world and the steps to create a legacy in the world. She believes that everyone has a story to share and that by changing your beliefs you can change the world.

Connect to Melahni directly for

Personal and Professional Leadership Development
Strategic Branding Consulting
Personal and Professional Coaching 
Corporate Workshops

[email protected]


Connect to Joe Ake:  Joe Ake Studios Productions

Media Consulting (Film, Audio, Video)
Podcast Production 
Media Production 

[email protected]

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