Allison Liddle is a 2x best-selling author of Life Under Construction: Designing a Life You Love & The Art of Imperfect Action: All Success Comes From Daring to Begin, top motivational speaker, leadership trainer, podcast host, CEO/Founder of Allison Liddle Consulting, President of Prosper Wealth Management, and mother to two. Allison’s companies have won national industry awards and trained leaders in the Top 10 of the Fortune 500. Allison is passionate about helping high achievers launch to the next level in their lives personally and professionally.   

With a winning style that includes a vibrant, upbeat personality combined with her knowledge of proven business-building techniques, Allison is the expert who will help lead you to success. Allison Liddle is an experienced keynote speaker, corporate trainer and executive coach who brings energy, enthusiasm, and motivation to audiences large and small. Allison connects with each person in the room through her personal stories and life experiences.

Her company, Allison Liddle Consulting helps high achievers launch to the next level in their lives. They do this by creating media, products, events, inspiration and a tribe that equips them with the leadership and personal growth tools to get the results they want in their lives. They are passionate about helping people reach their goals, and build profitable businesses.


What would you do to make a bigger impact in the world?  

Melahni Qualls Ake Founder of Everyday Leaders and husband Joe Ake, Founder of Joe Ake Studios Productions Together they created Everyday Leaders 50in50 Podcast

Melahni is a passionate professional and personal development leadership coach, trainer and keynote speaker and has been certified through John Maxwell since March 2017.   John's book the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth have been the biggest influence in Melahni's personal growth journey and helped her to realize the power of her own story, the value of influence in the world and the steps to create a legacy in the world. She believes that everyone has a story to share and that by changing your beliefs you can change the world.

Connect to Melahni directly for

  • Personal and Professional Leadership Development

  • Strategic Branding Consulting

  • Personal and Professional Coaching 

  • Corporate Workshops

  • KeyNotes

  • Speaking

[email protected]


Connect to Joe Ake:  Joe Ake Studios Productions

  • Media Consulting (Film, Audio, Video)

  • Podcast Production 

  • Media Production 

[email protected]

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Discover Your Beliefs

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Change The World
