Today's EveryDay Leaders is living his life as a WINNER as he developed his core beliefs about himself. Growing up as the fourth boy, Gary learned to PROVE his abilities early in life and these characteristic are the ingredients for his success today.  His life story is about earning and fighting to succeed in each phase of his life.  

Gary is not only a Super Bowl Champion, he was a champion for his brother, in a time of need, and became bone marrow donor.  He suffered the loss of his parents during his first year in the NFL, but he never gave up and never let fear stand in his way of his accomplishments.  Gary was encouraged by coach Tony Dungy to stay strong and as he shares with me in this interview, your character and your mindset determines your altitude.  Gary became the captain of the Indianapolis Colts WINNING Super Bowl Team and today is a Certified Entrepreneur Restaurant Owner with the Stacked Pickle and Char Blue.  He is contributing in amazing ways to our community here in Indianapolis and I am proud to share his story of how this one man is IMPACTING our community.  

Congratulations on all of your success Gary and thank you for coming on the EveryDay Leaders™ 50in50 and sharing your powerful leadership lessons with our listeners!  

You can follow Gary Brackett his PODCAST, his Blog and all of his community advocacy organizations at

You can listen to this interview at and also sign up for the EveryDAy Leaders™ 50in50 Leadership Summit that will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at NewFields in the Deboest Theater.  

Thank you for following the PODCAST of EveryDay Leaders™ 50in50!