Today’s EveryDay Leader, helps us understand how his faith has allowed him to experience life with a servants heart and eyes. His foundational training at Westpoint Academy and  taught him the value of knowing how to respond to instruction, and how to be a follower. Blending his technical and "people" training, John has developed key strategies that have allowed him to inspire and lead others.  You see, you must first learn how to follow before you can understand how to serve.  These simple ideas are ones that you too can apply Everyday and live your life with success.

Thank you John Schreiner for being an Everyday Leader™ in my life and for inspiring us to add value to others everyday!  

You can connect to Melahni Ake, the host EveryDay Leaders ™ 50in50 at and support the show by purchasing an EveryDay Leaders Coffee Mug, become a leader in your life by joining a weekly leadership class and even attend the EveryDay Leaders™ 50i50 Leadership Summit March 2, 2019 at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.