This Weeks' EveryDay Leaders teaches us about learning to Fail Forward and how this valuable lesson can help you gain perspective in your life to accomplish anything.  You see, Judd Crawford is living his life today based from decisions that he has intentionally made in his life.  There were many times when he could have lstened to his own "self talk" and gave up on his dreams, he didn't give up and because of this determination he ultimately acheived the rank of captain in the Army.  The great part about this personal story is Judd believed he had other options than failure at anything and it has been through this persistence that Judd is now on a journey of helping others.  He is active at the Indianapolis VA and is soon to become a professor at the University of Indianapolis.  

Listen in as Judd walks us through how he decided to learn from his failures and how you too can apply these lessons to live your life with success.  

Thank you Judd for being an inspiration to others and being an EveryDay Leader of your life!  

Connect to, Melahni Ake,  the Host of EveryDay Leaders™ 50in50 Podcast at where you can support EveryDay Leaders through purchasing our EveryDay Leaders™ 50in50 Coffee Mug, Attend the March 2, 2019 Leadership Summit at the Indianapolis Art Museum and even register for an EveryDay Leaders Personal Development course and learn how to apply these lessons to become the leader of your life.                                                          Connecting Your Purpose to Inspire Your Outcomes