Today we have something a little different for you.

In this episode you’re going to listen to an amazing interview from our workplace wellness program. It’s actually an extracted weekly webinar from our Wellness Warriors program when Mat chatted with Ross Hastings, someone with vast behavioural science expertise who helps us understand what leads people, and groups of people to perform to the peak of their potential.

Ross is a psychologist who keeps himself on the cutting edge of coaching psychology and positive psychology to pursue his passion for exploring human potential. He also has a sporting background and he, too, believes we can transcend the world of sport and business to understand and optimise the potential of teams.

It’s common that people in business consider their world to be significantly different than that of a sporting world. This is not in fact the case and in many ways, the systemic elements of sport mean that it’s a perfect case study for the application of what we know about teams, high performance, wellness, and wellbeing.

No doubt, the modern business environment is infinitely more complicated, and it can be harder to apply those principles, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

On The Impact Project Podcast, we interview progressive individuals who are unleashing their potential on the world around them. We take a deep dive on how they got to where they are, what lessons they have learned along the way and how their experiences can impact us all.

This is a fascinating subject and Ross makes it easily digestible and relatable for everyone on the planet.

So, invest in yourself and enjoy the next 30 minutes of wisdom that Ross shared. Chuck in your earbuds and, if you like what you hear, remember to share the love by sending the link to someone you think would also benefit from hearing this.