Previous Episode: Single Ladies Group Chat Pt. 2
Next Episode: Single Mal

Welcome back into the Everybody Mad chatroom, Rell does a IG Live on this episode and dives into “loving more than one person, traveling and what is settling'. As discussed with the IG Live audience, the conversation touched on jealousy, polyamory, top trips  (look out for the Travel Tricks episode), where we going next post Corona and how through finding yourself you ultimately understand what is settling. This was a fun episode to record and have as you the audience engaged. Thank you to everyone who tuned into the IG Live. Be on the look out for another episode of soon!

Highlights from the live:

Do parents love their kids equally?

You just can’t upset if the person you love, just isn’t down with you loving more than one person.

What’s in the mason jar?

Why can’t you have your cake and eat it to?

Shout outs to the marriages that stayed together for the finances…

"They can never make you as happy as you can make yourself, at all!" – A collaboration


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