Jessica Keats is an International Healer consulting with individuals and businesses to increase and maximize their potential and profit. Known for her ability to make profound change in a person’s mind, body and soul within 2-3 sessions, Jessica is renowned for healing limiting beliefs, fears and past traumas so her clients improve physically and emotionally while reaching new heights professionally.

Through Yoga Therapy training, Jessica’s intuition and ability of sensing started to awaken. The yogic philosophy of “Turning Inwards and Listening” turned into the secret weapon behind her personal and professional growth. The more Jessica put herself first, the faster her intuition and healing abilities grew. The more she healed her limiting beliefs and past traumas, the more her self-confidence skyrocketed. Her previously unknown self value became known by her and all who crossed paths with her propelling forward into new opportunities, both personally and professionally. Today, Jessica loves helping her clients have these same experiences so they too can propel forward in their life.

Jessica is also the author of Flow: The Beginning Is Upon Us.




