Bryan Falchuk is a 3x TEDx speaker, bestselling author, podcast host, executive coach and Certified Behavior Change Specialist. Bryan regularly speaks on the subjects of motivation, culture, interpersonal dysfunction and overcoming challenges; and his first book Do a Day, teaches the philosophy he developed to find your true motivation; set meaningful goals and achieve them by freeing yourself of judgment from the past as well as fear of the future. His latest book The 50 75 100 Solution: Build Better Relationships, helps people see their power to make their relationships healthier and happier. Bryan has been a guest on over 150 podcasts and radio shows, and written many articles for top publications like Inc Magazine; the LA Times; Chicago Tribune; Business Insider; and more. Bryan is a former C-level executive in the insurance and tech sectors, as well as top management consultant, and loves to feature inspiring people who have overcome and achieved something better for themselves on his show, The Do a Day Podcast.