DEBBI DACHINGER is a Media Personality and Media Visibility expert who has been interviewed on over 1,000 media outlets. She is a syndicated, award-winning radio and podcast host, recently nominated for two People's Choice Podcast Awards; interviews celebrities on the red carpet; is a keynote speaker; a certified coach; and has authored three international bestselling books. As a Media Visibility Authority, Debbi coaches people on how to write a page-turner book; runs a company that guarantees YOUR book becomes an international bestseller; and teaches the Ultimate Visibility Formula: “How to be Interviewed on Radio & Podcast shows in 60 Days or Less.” Now in its 12th year, Debbi hosts the syndicated DARE TO DREAM podcast, plus works with clients on their visibility strategy so they use free PR to become known as a go-to expert. Schedule a session with her to stop being the best kept secret and instead be seen as a powerhouse leader. A popular media guest and speaker, Debbi is a keynote at high level national events; a radio and TV personality; and has been seen in the news, documentary films, on magazine covers, and is a regular featured contributor to Published Magazine.