It's another lightning wife-ening episode as Phil & Jake's better halves Beth & Ali return to rank Bob Saget (R.I.P.), oysters, being a know-it-all, marriage, toilet humor, expresso with an “X”, and chest hair on the List of Every Damn Thing.

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As they brag about in the episode, Jake & Ali recently held one-day-old lambs at Toluma Farms in Sonoma County.If you only watch the show's opening credits, Full House really just seems like a tourism ad for San Francisco.Danny Tanner was America’s Dad for Beth & Ali, whereas Phil & Jake’s America was raised by Bill Cosby.Phil & Jake talk about a Bob Saget scene in the movie Dirty Work, but they really mean the movie Half-Baked.Here's the Saget bit that Beth watched where he talks about his dad's dirty jokes.Saget gets extra consideration for his work with the Scleroderma Research Foundation.Here’s Saget’s part in The Aristocrats, and here’s the Gilbert Gottfried part. We apologize in advance.Ali mentions that a few hours before recording this episode, she and Jake enjoyed some oysters at The Marshall Store (on California’s Tomales Bay). Jake mentions that a few years ago, they shucked their own oysters at Buck Bay Oyster Farm (on Washington State’s Orcas Island). They've indulged in oysters in many places, but not yet at The Shuckery (in Beth & Phil’s home town of Petaluma, CA).It’s an ongoing debate as to whether vegans should justify eating oysters.Amy Schneider was Jeopardy! champion until we jinxed her by talking about it on the podcast (which was recorded two days before she lost). She’s the most successful woman ever to compete on the game show. She’s the good kind of know-it-all.Jake tried to look up the German "scheisse" song that Beth mentions, but all he could find was this Lady Gaga song.Here’s Los Punkitos performing “Caca Culo Pedo Pis”.Phil & Beth are targeted by this Fabreze ad with miniature toilets.Phil talks about Eddie Murphy doing toilet humor in his early act, which is recounted in “Eddie Murphy Raw”.We’re still the first full page of search results when you Google shirtless men wearing elaborate angel wings, gold lamé shorts & furry cha-cha heels.We bring up saxophone in rock music, inciting Beth to vocalize the sax riff from “Baker Street” by Gerry Rafferty (which is, contrary to Phil's opinion, rock music).This episode is the second time that Jake has given a free plug to Fort Point’s Sfizio Italian Style Pilsner.The X-Men come up a couple of times in this episode, including when Jake speculates that– in light of Beth’s pubic hair definitions– Beast is covered in pubic hair, because mutant powers manifest at puberty. Of course, Beast’s full-body fur was part of a post-puberty secondary mutation, so Jake’s wrong on this one.Chest hair-y men discussed include Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck and Sam Elliot. Here’s a bonus pic of young Sam Elliot from the Mission: Impossible TV show.

America’s Funniest Home Videos * Lente LocoCheech & Chong * “Weird Al” Yankovic * Dan Aykroyd * Jessica Rabbit * the Watchmen TV series * Sir Topham Hatt * pearls * food poisoning * shucking * Popeyes chicken * dippin’ sauce * experts * feeding cats like babies * Daylight Saving Time * Jenny McCarthy * middle school * kids in restaurants * “Dancing Queen” by ABBA * A-shirts aka “wifebeaters” * scatting * farts * diarrhea * whoopie cushions * skorts * The Three Stooges *

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