In this episode I am speaking to Steve Pipe, accountant, entrepreneur and author.  His most recent book is ‘Our Time to Rise’.  During our conversation we look at:·       Businesses can be a force for good & evidence shows there is no trade-off between impact and profit.·       The growing growth of focus on kindness, community and what is important to us during COVID-19 lockdown.·       How we are currently at a fork in the road and the route we take – back to the old way of doing things or a new way is our choice.·       The benefits to a business from being a force for good.·       Taking back to the facts and make a strategic decision.·       Using story to share the impact you make.·       The importance of focusing on family finances. BioPreviously named as the world’s most highly rated accountant and advisor to accountants, Steve is a best-selling author, dynamic speaker and former UK Entrepreneur of The Year.  As a co-founder of Speakers for Good he is a passionate advocate of the Business for Good movement, where his goal is to help provide 100 million days of help to people in need across the world(with the total amount provided so far standing at 17 million days). From 2018 he has been giving away all of his time and intellectual property for free in order to help make the world a better place. Now  he has teamed up with the legendary Paul Dunn to distill the key things they have learned across a lifetime in business into their most important book yet, “Our Time to Rise”. Revealing how any business can become a powerful force for good, quickly and easily, “Our Time to Rise” will be given away free of charge to every business in the world. Time stamps1.57 Why believes businesses can be a force for good6.12 There is no trade off between purpose and profit.9.30 Example of the impact of building in impact 22.21 Importance of telling the story and building in impact35.29 We have a choice as to the direction we go38.21 How built giving into own life45.08 The importance of focusing on family finances52.19 ‘Our Time to Rise’ the book Mentioned in the episodeB1G1Paul DunnMasami SatoOur Time to Rise