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Evergreen Podcast

175 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 1 year ago - ★★ - 1 rating

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Genesis 21:14-21 & 1 Kings 19:11-15

October 25, 2021 12:58 - 28.9 MB

Message: Genesis 21:14-21 & 1 Kings 19:11-15  Sometimes, who God has made us and what pursue is at odds with what others want from us. As we grow into the people God has called us to be, we’ll face opposition and even loss. The good news is, we can always be real with God, who always meets us where we are but never abandons us there. Our encounters with God will enable us to encounter the world in authentic ways. In today’s message, as we continue the series “Wealth of the Wilderness,” we’l...

Exodus 3:1-3; 1 Kings 19:1-9 “Eyes to See, Ears to Hear”

October 18, 2021 00:34 - 34.7 MB

  Message: Exodus 3:1-3; 1 Kings 19:1-9 “Eyes to See, Ears to Hear”  Both Moses & Elijah spent time in the wilderness. Though hundreds of years apart, they had a shared experience at Mt. Horeb. Moses’ wilderness experience gave him eyes to see God showing up unexpectedly. Elijah’s time in the wilderness gave him ears to hear God’s still, small voice. Our wilderness experiences help us to develop eyes to see and ears to hear God as well.   

John 13:1-17 "A Sacrificial Life"

October 11, 2021 02:10

Primary text:  John 13:1-17 "A Sacrificial Life" A sacrificial life flows out of a transformed life.  Genuinely loving others flows from the security of knowing our identity in Christ (John 13:3-4, Jesus knew who he was, SO he washed the feet of his disciples).  This is one of the rewards of a fulfilled soul… the ability to love well.   

Exodus 16:1-3 “Engage the Process”

October 10, 2021 20:50 - 29.3 MB

 Message: Exodus 16:1-3 “Engage the Process” When we find ourselves in difficult circumstances we often only focus on the way out those difficulties. It took the Hebrews forty years of wilderness journey to get from Egypt to the Promised Land. The only thing they wished for was to either begin their new and better life in the Land of milk and honey, or just return to Egypt. The wilderness is not where they wanted to be, but it is where they needed to be. Perhaps what took so long is that t...

John 15:1-17 "Nurturing the Life We Crave"

September 30, 2021 03:05 - 3.56 MB application/octet-stream

John 15:1-17 "Nurturing the Life We Crave The relationship with God we crave can’t be manufactured, it must be nurtured.  Growing fruit is the job of the Holy Spirit (not me); we need only to stay connected to the source of life and allow the fruit to grow.  The fruit of the Spirit is not evidenced by what I DO, it is evidenced by who I AM.  There is a mutuality of God in me and me in God - an intertwining of life -  which yields a sweetness that fills a craving that can’t be satisfied by a...

1 Corinthians 2:7-12 "Secret Wisdom"

September 30, 2021 02:48 - 3.38 MB application/octet-stream

1 Corinthians 2:7-12 "Secret Wisdom" Through the Holy Spirit, God invites us to share the secrets of intimacy with him.  These secrets are relational, a deep knowing of another.  God wants to know us, as much as he wants us to know him.  Our connection to this deeper wisdom, this intimacy, is the Holy Spirit.   

1 Corinthians 16:1-4 “Creating Communion”

September 12, 2021 22:57 - 22.1 MB

 Message: 1 Corinthians 16:1-4 “Creating Communion”  Many of the Jewish believers in Jerusalem rejected the inclusion of gentile believers who were uncircumcised and didn’t observe Jewish Law and traditions. Paul leads the gentile churches in a response of love, taking up a gentile collection for the poor in the Jerusalem Church. This demonstration of love revealed the gentile Christian’s acceptance of Jewish believers and sincere desire to be in unity with them. Yet, it also maintained th...

2 Samuel 24:1-17 “In God We Trust”

September 07, 2021 00:20 - 32.6 MB

Message: 2 Samuel 24:1-17 “In God We Trust” Why does God punish Israel for taking a census to determine how large and strong their military could be? It is because Israel’s future depended on their placing trust in God not men. In the same way, those who live by faith must continually choose live by faith and not schemes of men. We often place our trust in convention rather than Covenant Relationship with God. We must continually return God as our center and hope. The future depends on it. ...

2 Samuel 19 & 23, “Last Words”

August 30, 2021 23:09 - 58.7 MB

Message: 2 Samuel 19 & 23, “Last Words” In this message, we’ll be looking at the lives of two men that are coming to close. We are reminded that our own lives will have a culmination. Two things are important as we enter into the final phase of life. First, that we accept its reality. Second, that we remember what matters most. It is good to think of both of these ahead of time, so that we are prepared to move toward the end of this life with purpose and grace. 2 Samuel 19:31-39 2 Samuel ...

2 Samuel 22:1-6 “The Wars We Wage”

August 23, 2021 00:20 - 292 MB application/octet-stream

 Message: 2 Samuel 22:1-6 “The Wars We Wage” God has come forth from his throne and mounted upon the wings of the cherubim, to come forward to rescue you from all that wages war against your soul. There is a spirit of fear, pride, and greed at work in the wider world. It is constantly wooing us, but it seeks to steal rather than give life. In addition, we are often our own worst enemy. But even when we are faithless, God is faithful. God is for you, not against you. He rescues us because h...

2 Samuel 16:5-14 “Life is Teaching Us”

August 15, 2021 22:52 - 53.8 MB

 Message: 2 Samuel 16:5-14 “Life is Teaching Us” As David was fleeing from Jerusalem, a man named Shimei met him along the way, curing him and throwing stones at him. David chooses not to retaliate. Later, in chapter 19, we see Shimei again and he is a transformed person. We don’t always have to punish someone or repay them for what they did to us. Most often, it is life itself that teaches us the lessons we need to learn. These lessons are often understood in retrospect, as we look back. ...

2 Samuel 15:1-12 “Unresolved Issues”

August 09, 2021 02:08 - 63.5 MB

Message: 2 Samuel 15:1-12 “Unresolved Issues” In this passage, David’s son Absalom attempts to take over the kingship from his father. David had ignored the threat of Absalom to his own detriment. Our “Unresolved Issues” often grow when they are not attended to. Are there unresolved boundary issues between you and someone else? Are there unresolved issues in your walk with God? Tending to them now will save you greater hurt later.     

2 Corinthians 6:2 "Now"

August 01, 2021 22:58 - 80.7 MB

Chris Zinchuck will be our guest speaker this Sunday.  Message: 2 Corinthians 6:2  "Now" As we look at the state of the world around us, NOW is the time to encounter the world and the people we meet, for Christ.    

2 Samuel 12 & 14 “Self-Awareness”

July 25, 2021 23:48 - 60.9 MB

 Message: 2 Samuel 12 & 14 “Self-Awareness” These stories demonstrate how David’s perspective was changed only when he was able to see through another lens. He could not see the circumstances clearly when he was emotionally tied to them or part of the problem. But when he could view it from a 3rd person perspective, he was able to discern more clearly. In this lesson, we’ll learn some keys to self-awareness and transformation.  

2 Samuel 9:1-8 “Risking Reconciliation”

July 19, 2021 02:11 - 120 MB

 Message: 2 Samuel 9:1-8 “Risking Reconciliation” Society’s way of dealing with threats is to eliminate them. Following God, rather than the ways of men, David does something unprecedented: He loves his enemy/rival. Rather than protect himself, he chooses vulnerable love. This is exactly what God chooses in sending Jesus to live among humanity as a human being. It is also how Jesus invites his followers to engage people in the world and in their lives. Are we ready to take a risk toward re...

2 Samuel 7:1-17 “A House Established”

July 12, 2021 00:39 - 116 MB

Message:2 Samuel 7:1-17 “A House Established” When we encounter God and realize that he is the source of our lives, we have a desire to give back to him. God appreciates this desire, but above all else, he wants us to know that He also has a desire for us. His desire is to establish us and continue a formative work in our lives. David desires to build a house for God. God responds by revealing to David that He is building a future for David. That ‘House’ culminates in the person of Christ, ...

2 Samuel 6:1-15 “When Tragedy Strikes”

July 05, 2021 22:52 - 55.4 MB

Message Title: 2 Samuel 6:1-15 “When Tragedy Strikes”  In this passage, it seems like everything is finally going right for both David and Israel. But in the midst of celebrating, a tragedy strikes. David finds himself questioning everything he knows about life with God. He goes through a time of being angry with God. He doesn’t receive any real answer for the tragedy, but as life goes on he sees that God is still good and he chooses to continue walking with this God he cannot fully wrap hi...

2 Samuel 5:1-10 “God’s Slow Work”

June 27, 2021 22:17 - 50.7 MB

Message: 2 Samuel 5:1-10 “God’s Slow Work” The Prophet/priest/judge Samuel anointed David as King over Israel when he was about 15 years old. It would take 15yrs before David would actually become king over the nation. This reminds us that God’s promises and work are slow process. The primary goal of life is our formation, not our comfort. It is for us to learn to trust God’s slow, often invisible process.   

2 Samuel 1:17– 2:7 “Mourning what Wasn’t, Accepting what Is”

June 20, 2021 21:35 - 37.6 MB

Message: 2 Samuel 1:17– 2:7 “Mourning what Wasn’t, Accepting what Is” As we begin 2 Samuel, we will watch David mourn over the loss of Saul and Jonathan and all that could have been if Saul had chosen differently. Then we’ll witness him move forward into the life that he is now called to. The same is true of many of the hopes we might have had for our lives and those we love. There are some things that did not turn out as we had hoped. We can and must mourn the loss of those possibilities. ...

John 8:1-11 “Interrupting Violence” Part 2

June 13, 2021 22:46 - 71 MB

Message: John 8:1-11 “Interrupting Violence” Part 2 In today’s passage we see Jesus interrupt violence by stepping in and redirecting the attention of some religious leaders who were ready to kill a woman. Their issue had little to do with the woman, so Jesus distracts them and redirects their attention. What are some ways we can ‘interrupt violence?’ that we encounter in the lives of others? 

1 Samuel 16-31 “Interrupting Violence”

June 07, 2021 01:13 - 61.6 MB

Message: 1Samuel 16-31 “Interrupting Violence” As we come to the conclusion of the Book of 1 Samuel, we see a theme of people, from Saul to the Amalekites, perpetrating violence against the innocent. This week we’re going to deal with the difficult issue of removing ourselves from the abuse of others and how to assist others who are being abused in the contexts of physical and racial violence. 

1 Samuel 25 “Meaningful Memorials”

May 31, 2021 22:20 - 54.6 MB

  Message: 1 Samuel 25 “Meaningful Memorials” This chapter begins with the death of Samuel, a judge, prophet, and priest. We’re also introduced to another man who gets a ‘dishonorable mention,’ Nabal. Nabal also dies. The memory of the way these two men lived their lives couldn’t be further apart. One is remembered for his life of devotion to God. The other is remembered for a life centered upon himself. How we want to be remembered may help determine how we live our lives.

1 Samuel 22 & 24 “Of Mice and Men”

May 24, 2021 14:40 - 56.8 MB

  Message: 1 Samuel 22 & 24 “Of Mice and Men” This week we will learn from David about loving our enemies, letting God be judge, and trusting Him with the ultimate outcomes of our circumstances. Saul tries to control circumstances, while David learns to trust in God’s plan and timing.

I Samuel 17:1-11, 16 "Where was David’s Mom?"

May 10, 2021 18:17

Message: Where was David’s Mom? David is rather young when he steps up to face his Giant. You’ve got to wonder where his mother was when he volunteered for this fight. At some point, we all have to leave the safety of home and face our giants. But as David reminds us, we do not face them alone. God goes before us and is with us in the face of all adversity. 

Luke 11:40-56 “Believe: Jairus’ Daughter”

May 02, 2021 02:15 - 55.9 MB

Message: Luke 11:40-56 “Believe: Jairus’ Daughter” Jesus, became less so that we might become more. Not only did he become human and walk among us, he was also intentional about seeing the individual’s as he walked from one place to another. In this story, we’ll see how Jesus greeted ‘distractions’ as ‘encounters.’ Those others easily overlooked, were people Jesus took time to see and be attentive to. Jesus believed in what the Father was doing in another’s life and he took time to both not...

John 11:1-46 “Believe: Mary & Martha”

April 25, 2021 00:40 - 47.4 MB

Message: John 11:1-46 “Believe: Mary & Martha” When Lazarus is seriously ill, Mary & Martha call on Jesus, but he doesn’t show up to fix everything. During their darkest hour, when Lazarus dies, they wonder where he is. He has not forgotten or forsaken them. In fact, they come to a much deeper realization of who he is on the other side of this darkness.   

Matthew 27 & John 18-20 “Believe: Pontius Pilate”

April 17, 2021 23:50 - 57.6 MB

Message: Matthew 27 & John 18-20 “Believe: Pontius Pilate” Each of us is faced with a decision about who Jesus is and what kind of claim he has on our lives. There are so many forces at work that work against our acceptance of the Lordship and divinity if Jesus. We often forfeit everlasting peace for fleeting comfort or ambitions. In this message we will highlight Pontius Pilate’s encounter with Jesus and his wrestling between what he saw in Christ and his compromises with the world around ...

Mark 15:8-39 “Believe: The Soldier”

April 11, 2021 23:36 - 65.7 MB

  Message: Mark 15:8-39 “Believe: The Soldier” Last week we began an Easter season series called “Believe.” In this series, starting with Thomas, we’re looking at the testimony of six different New Testament people and the stories of how they came to “Believe.” This week, we’ll look at the story of a soldier, a Roman Centurion, who was skilled in breaking people. Unfortunately, we all have experience in breaking people. But the Centurion saw something in Jesus that contrasted so vividly wi...

“Believe: Thomas” John 20:19-20, 24-29

April 05, 2021 20:03 - 61.9 MB

 Message: “Believe: Thomas” John 20:19-20, 24-29 This Sunday we will begin a new, five week, Easter Series called “Believe” that will look at the lives of six NT biblical characters, beginning this week with Thomas. Thomas is often known for ‘doubting’ the resurrection of Jesus. In this message we’ll look at what fosters ‘belief’ in people; what causes doubt; and the amazing, patient love of God toward those who doubt, which is the same kind of patient love we’re called to have toward othe...

1 Samuel 16:1-13 “The Heart of the Matter”

March 14, 2021 02:45 - 52.6 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 “The Heart of the Matter” When God chooses David, it is not based on superficial or physical considerations, but is a matter of the heart. David is someone who has a good heart. God knows everything else will follow.   

1 Samuel 15:7-14 “Two Sides of the Story”

March 07, 2021 03:02 - 45.7 MB

 Message: 1 Samuel 15:7-14 “Two Sides of the Story”

1 Samuel 12:1-5, 20-25 “A Life Well Lived”

February 27, 2021 22:15 - 38 MB

 Message: 1 Samuel 12:1-5, 20-25 “A Life Well Lived” This week’s text brings us toward the end of Samuel’s life and ministry. Samuel’s life isn’t just a personal matter, but an example for Israel of what it looks like to live one’s life unto God. Samuel served as a priest, judge, and prophet. Nonetheless, it is not his opinion that was the greatest testimony and challenge to the Israelites, but his example. A lot of people today want people to follow their opinions, but the real question i...

1 Samuel 8:1-9 “Looking for a King”

February 21, 2021 02:02 - 49.7 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 8:1-9 “Looking for a King”  What is it you are seeking? Where are the places you are seeking it?

1 Samuel 7:2-6 “Understanding Confession”

February 13, 2021 22:27 - 36 MB

  Message: 1 Samuel 7:2-6 “Understanding Confession” As the Ark makes its way back to the Israelites, we begin to see the role and results of confession. The Philistines provide a guilt offering. The Israelites confess their faults and seek to realign their lives. Not only does this bring them peace, but God begins to restore to them what they had lost. In this message, we’ll learn about the role of confession in our lives.

1 Samuel 5 “Doomed Dual Allegiances”

February 06, 2021 21:36 - 47.7 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 5 “Doomed Dual Allegiances” Our series continues as we follow the lost Ark. The Philistines make the mistake of thinking God is just another god to be worshipped alongside their other idols. But in this chapter, we learn that God is not willing to be placed alongside our other agendas. His agenda is meant to be our agenda and all personal agendas are to be carefully questioned. Jesus later reveals that our false idols go beyond images made out of metal, stone, or wood. 

1 Samuel 4:1-11 “The Lost Ark”

January 30, 2021 23:22 - 45.9 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 4:1-11 “The Lost Ark” Our God is a relational God who does not pretend or take sides unconditionally. While he is always ‘for’ us, he does not protect us from the natural consequences of our actions when we need to be more responsible with how we are living our lives. Consequences are there to ‘wake us up’ so that we live true and authentic lives before God and others. God wants us to be our best self and while is gracious, he does not play pretend. Israel will learn this ...

1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-21 “Hearing the Voice of God”

January 24, 2021 19:03 - 40.5 MB

  Message: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-21 “Hearing the Voice of God” Hearing the voice of God is essential to our lives with God, with others, and in the world. It begins with responding to God’s call, but continues to develop as we grow in our life with God in the world. Samuel is an example of this, while Eli is an example of what happens when you disregard God’s voice.  

1 Samuel 2:1-11 “Hannah’s Prayer”

January 17, 2021 18:51 - 40.9 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 2:1-11 “Hannah’s Prayer” In this message we're going to look at a theme that occurs throughout the bible, beginning with Merriam's song, narrowing in on Hannah's prayer, and moving forward to the New Testament where we hear Mary's Magnificat. There is a theme connecting all of these similar prayer songs that reveals something essential about the heart of God as it concerns the mistreated.    

1 Samuel 1:20-28 “Giving Back to God what God Gave to You”

January 11, 2021 01:42 - 48 MB

Message:1 Samuel 1:20-28 “Giving Back to God what God Gave to You” Hannah receives a son after living a long time without being able to conceive. The shock is that she offers her son back to God. Samuel becomes a priest, prophet, and judge in Israel. God gives us incredible gifts, but the secret is that gifts from God are meant to be returned to him in love and service for the purposes of the Kingdom of God.    

Matthew 2:1-12 “The Glory of Christmas: The Wisemen”

December 20, 2020 21:39 - 60.1 MB

  Message: Matthew 2:1-12 “The Glory of Christmas: The Wisemen” This week we’ll watch as Tony, one of the wisemen in our play, sets himself aside to remember that it is Christ who is the center of the Christmas Story. In the same way, we remember that we are not the center of God’s Story, but Jesus is, and our attention and devotion turn toward him!

Luke 2:8-15 “The Shepherd”

December 14, 2020 00:06 - 58.7 MB

Message: Luke 2:8-15 “The Shepherd” The announcement of the Good News that a Savior has been born was first proclaimed by Angels to shepherds tending flocks in a field. Shepherds were considered lowly compared to others. That God chose to reveal this Good News to them first was to demonstrate that this was Good News for all people. The Gospel and New Testament letters show how this message began with a few, but was always intended to be carried to the whole world. We have been entrusted wi...

Matthew 1:18-25 “Joseph”

December 06, 2020 19:51 - 45.8 MB

Message: Matthew 1:18-25 “Joseph” It is a recurring theme in the Bible that God chooses the most unlikely people to play the most significant roles in HisStory. Joseph is no exception. We’ll see how Joseph had to work through his fairs and second thoughts about his own role in God’s story. Then we’ll move toward a better understanding of how God has uniquely shaped us to do what only we can do as we take our place in HisStory. 

Luke 1:26-38 “The Glory of Christmas: Mary”

November 29, 2020 21:46 - 61.2 MB

Message: Luke 1:26-38 “The Glory of Christmas: Mary” Advent begins this week and so we begin a new Advent message series. This first message will focus on a truth we can learn from the life of Mary. Mary’s plans changed that day the angel of the Lord encountered her with a new set of plans leading to the glory of that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. She could tarry and worry, or she could trust and wait on the Lord over the next nine months to fulfill His plans and carry her into mot...

Romans 7 7-25 “Faults & Faith”

November 23, 2020 01:20 - 52.8 MB

Message: Romans 7 7-25 “Faults & Faith” In this final message we’ll take a look at how Torah wasn’t prescribed to fix our faults, but rather to reveal them. Since Torah, or the Law, which is rules and regulations, can’t fix us, the Gospel turns us toward the solution, which is the Grace of God in Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit at work in our lives. We’ll see how facing our faults is a mark of the mature believer. 

Romans 6:11-23 “Everyone Serves Something or Someone”

November 15, 2020 22:32 - 77.3 MB

Message: Romans 6:11-23 “Everyone Serves Something or Someone” Last week we talked about the two ways that are open to us. There is the Way of Adam and then there is the Way of Christ. This week we continue that discussion in more vivid detail. In Romans 6 Paul essentially says that everyone services something or someone, so who or what do you serve? We were made to serve God, which actually brings us greater freedom. Yet, we often choose to serve lesser beings or ideas, which ultimately pl...

Romans 5:12-21, 8:1-12 “There’s Another Way”

November 09, 2020 01:31 - 51.2 MB

Message: Romans 5:12-21, 8:1-12 “There’s Another Way” In these passages, Paul reveals the two ways that are open to humanity. One is the Way of Adam, which is the way of ‘men.’ That way leads to destruction. But a new way has been opened up, which is the Way of Christ. This is the Way of Grace, and is not brought about by anything we can do, but received by faith in what God has done for us. This is a faith requires incredible trust in God rather than taking situations into our own hands by...

Romans 4:1-25 “Replacing the Law”

November 02, 2020 01:16 - 78.3 MB

Message: Romans 4:1-25 “Replacing the Law” The Jewish people replaced Faith with the Torah (right practice). Christians replaced Faith with Theology (right belief). Both are a form of salvation by works. But Faith was never meant to be replaced by anything. Genuine faith ultimately leads to both sound beliefs and good works. Rather than replacing faith, they flow from faith. So the question is, why do we do what we do? Are we seeking to earn something, or does what we do simply flow out of ...

Romans 3:27-31 “The Path of Descent”

October 25, 2020 19:47 - 40.1 MB

 Message: Romans 3:27-31 “The Path of Descent” This week we return to our previous series that was cut short by Covid, “Reading Romans Backwards.” In this week’s message we’ll be looking at how the Romans and Jews both thought they had the advantage. Each considered themselves better than the other. But this was based on a misunderstanding of both the intention of Torah and the meaning of being Chosen in Christ. Instead of finding ourselves ‘worthy,’ Jesus invites us to follow him on “The ...

2 Corinthians 7:8-10 “Why Can’t I Forgive Myself?”

October 18, 2020 23:06 - 54.8 MB

Message: 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 “Why Can’t I Forgive Myself?” In this final message in our series “The Grudge” we’ll be looking at the topic of forgiving ourselves. Sometimes the person that is hardest to forgive is ourselves. In this message we’ll look at the difference between two types of guilt: shame vs conviction. We’ll see how God applies conviction, but we often get trapped in shame. Once we understand the purpose of conviction, we’ll be more ready to forgive ourselves and move into th...

1 Samuel 1:1-20 “Forgiving God?”

October 12, 2020 00:29 - 71.2 MB

Message: 1 Samuel 1:1-20 “Forgiving God?” In this week’s message, we continue our series “The Grudge.” We’ll be talking about those incredibly difficult things in our lives where God doesn’t seem to show up for us. The desperate prayers that seem to go unanswered. The times when we find ourselves thinking, “God, you could have done something. Why didn’t you?” We’ll see that God’s delays are not necessarily denials. And that though we don’t always get what we want, God always gives more than...