Tara Cousineau, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist, who primarily supports women and girls. She is a "Kindness Warrior," and the author of an upcoming book called, The Kindness Cure about how acts of kindness can shift a person's life.

Through her work with clients and as the mother of two daughters, she’s observed a decrease in empathy and a rise in nasty online activity that sometimes rises to the level of criminal behavior. And when Tara’s daughter was assaulted by a classmate, she decided to make a difference by writing a book about kindness.

She works with many women who are 40+ and we discuss the shifts that take place when children become more independent and how to address these changes. Tara shares activities that bring her family closer together and she’s learned from experience that even if you think your kids aren’t paying attention to the values you’re modeling, you may find out years later that they actually were.

Listen to the discussion to hear Tara discuss how:

Her Clinical Psychology practice has led her down a more compassionate road where kindness rules.

The Kindness Cure was borne out of her daughter being assaulted by a high school classmate.

To set rules and expectations for your children. But know that they don’t want to disappoint their parents, so there is a chance that they won’t share their most important life events.

Practicing self-compassion will help you to react calmly in tense situations.

The world needs a resurgence of kindness and empathy.

The “revenge fantasies” that some teens carry out go beyond “mean girl” behavior.

Survey results showing that empathy levels have decreased as narcissism has grown in the U.S.

Our culture has switched to achievement, success, and happiness as opposed to the more traditional values of kindness, generosity, and fairness.

Neuroplasticity can offset the negativity in our society.

You can deal with “Debbie Downers” or the “Eeyores” in your life.

To manage the transition to an empty nest by coming back into the present moment and acknowledging your own emotions.

Adding variety to your routine can spice up your life!

Creating a family mission statement makes a difference even when your children make fun of it!

Quotes from Tara:

“We forgot basic kindness. We’ve forgotten what it means to be kind. And that we are in that state-of-mind where everyone is in that fight or flight response.”

“We pay too much attention to the drama. Culturally, we pay attention so that we are almost inundated 24/7 with all the horrible things that happen in the world. And this is very insidious."

“Be kinder than you think you are. I think we have a sense that we are kind, but it takes effort. I think it takes more effort now, then it has in the past. So I just challenge people to be kinder than you think are and see where it takes you.”


Contact Tara

Website: http://www.taracousineau.com/

Facebook: Moxie Moms Coaching

Twitter: @taracousphd

Linkedin:Tara Cousineau, PhD

  Contact Lisa [email protected]

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