Noelle Van Vlierbergen, a sobriety coach, helps women to recognize that their path to recovery isn’t just about staying sober, it’s about embracing a life change and owning a bolder, better future. Through her business, Sober Moxie, she provides coaching and online resources for women in recovery.


Listen to the podcast to hear Noelle share her experiences and thoughts about: 


Her personal story of struggle and her incredible recovery


Addiction and addictive personalities


Recommended resources (see list below)


The importance of addressing the situation when you are concerned about a family member or friend struggling with addiction


Communication - reaching out and connecting is “super important”


The story behind Sober Moxie


Changes that take place throughout the recovery process including the fog of vulnerability


Her 11 core principles of "Conscious Recovery"


The correlation between the physical and mental components of the recovery process


Creating a more joyful life by reframing your daily habits and finding balance


The positive benefits of yoga, meditation, and physical activity


Dealing with rough moments and badys without turning to alcohol


Quotes from Noelle: On addressing concern for a friend struggling with addiction: “Reaching out and connecting with that person is super important. People are struggling internally. It's a very personal journey." 


On the creation of Sober Moxie: “I wanted to create a program for women to lighten up the whole experience of recovery. And I think that there is so much that you step into when you begin your journey of recovery and it evolves and changes and gets better and better every single year. It's a real opportunity for women to come into their own and really be bigger and bolder than they’ve ever been before.


"There’s so much that can be done to help create balance in the body. Your central nervous system has been under attack essentially for the amount of time that you’ve been drinking. And so when you begin a yoga practice, a lot of it has to do with focusing on breath and you’re literally physically calming your nervous system on a daily basis.”


Noelle's Recommended Resources Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon Y12SR Recovery 2.0 (for all addictions) The Fix Contact Noelle: [email protected]

Sober Moxie Facebook


Contact Lisa: [email protected]