Wendy Baird is a singer, speaker, Reiki Master, Music Director, and  mother whose son is a gainfully employed college graduate! She is the President and Creative Director at Insight 180, a brand consulting and design company in Ellicott City, MD. For over fifteen years, Wendy and her team have helped organizations “that sell the invisible” discover what makes them different and bring those unique characteristics to life through creative brand strategy, messaging and visuals.

Wendy has been through some major transitions in the past year. About six months ago, her office was destroyed by historic flooding in Ellicott City, MD.  For days, she wasn’t even allowed to enter the building and when she did, she found that almost everything had to be thrown away. But with some help from friends and the community, Wendy and her team persevered. And they are now creating plans for a new location and ways to show gratitude to everyone who rallied around her and other businesses in Ellicott City.

Wendy shares the practices she uses to embrace gratitude and calm her mind during difficult circumstances. She also describes how she heals others through transferred energy, and her family's growing musical legacy. Listen to my conversation to hear Wendy discuss:

How singing helps with public speaking

Her 17 years at Insight 180 and helping people to discover their unique brand messaging and visual identity

Insight 180 client, Deborah Owens, President of Corporate Alley Cat

How and why she decided to become a master practitioner of Reiki

How interests and talents develop and evolve as an adult

Her experience as a business owner during the flood in Ellicott City, MD

The positive effects of the flood

The power of love and support in her community

Changing your perspective by thinking about an event "happening for you" rather than it "happening to you."

Being prepared for emergencies

The Conscious Capitalism Movement - doing well by doing good.

Finding the balance, beauty, and harmony in the little things

Radical self-care and the benefits of meditating

Changing your approach to life and finding your center

Some of the difficulties in leading an intentional and mindful life 24/7

How meditation awakens and how to focus on gratitude

How to start meditating

Camp Good Life Project - where Wendy and Lisa met!

Recommended Reading and Podcasts: Brené Brown The Endless Practice Malcom Gladwell Krista Tippett Firms of Endearment Conscious Capitalism

Quotes from Wendy:

“Being able to help bring someone else’s vision to life is so exciting.”

On Reiki:  “It’s all about intention and love and passing energy through.”

"Reframing a tragedy from 'this happened to me,' to 'this happened for me.'"

 "I always say that love is a thread through everything."

"Nothing delights me more than helping a company find their true brand, and to see them shine and provide so much value that they’re having a greater impact on their community.”

“For me, bringing harmony, order, and balance to projects, to all areas of my life….that’s a really important thread.”

“I usually meditate first thing in the morning. I try to do it for at least 10 minutes or sometimes longer.”

“I just find that when I’m really busy or stressing out, that just taking a moment to take a deep breath, or two or three, is incredibly grounding.”

“Start here, now.”

“People used to come to us to make them look like someone else. They would say, 'I want to look like that..or be like that.’ I love helping to uncover or reveal their true brand. Now people are understanding how important it is to be different.”

“Be the best you, you can be. Authentically you.”

Contact Wendy:

Website: www.insight180.com

Facebook: Insight 180

Twitter: @insight180

Linkedin: Wendy Baird


Contact Lisa: [email protected]


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