Janet Kelly and Nancy McKeon met while working for The Washington Post. Janet was a “no-nonsense” staff writer sharing her views on style and fashion, while Nancy was Editor of the Food, Real Estate, Travel, and Sunday Business sections. (But not all at once.)

After leaving The Post, Janet recognized that media outlets and websites were catering to millenials. And the 40+ audience, a growing demographic with significant buying power, was being ignored.

Janet decided to make a difference by creating and delivering stories with points of view for a more mature audience. Janet recruited Nancy, they brought other media-savvy women on-board, and MyLittleBird.com was born!

In our discussion, they share what it's like to run your own business vs. working for a corporation, how they are growing the website, and why this venture is so energizing. We also chat about some of their favorite stories - how to find jeans that fit, the dog park and dog culture, and managing anxiety attacks.

Listen to our conversation to hear Nancy and Janet discuss:

Janet and Nancy's backgrounds in print and online media and how their paths intersected to create a new online venture Why they created "a grown-up girl's guide to D.C. living" How to stay energized as your career progresses Why it pays to be strategic in business and in your personal life Adapting and using your skills for new ventures The importance of "getting out!" Constantly expanding your knowledge to remain in the game

Quotes from Nancy and Janet:

"We try to mix the valuable and the humorous to create a package that's inviting for us to write about and that's inviting for our readers to read about."
- Nancy

"As Nancy always says, 'Look we've been doing this for so long, why shouldn't we keep doing it? Because it's what we know how to do and we have gathered all this experience, so let's keep doing it. Let's keep going.'"
- Janet

"When opportunity knocks, or when the occasion arises, you figure out how to make it work for you."
- Janet


Contact Lisa: [email protected]