Neena Mishra talks with tech expert Gene Munster about a new ETF to invest in disruptive technologies, outlook for FAANGs and more.

(0:45) - 5 Themes Driving Technology
(2:30) - Loup Frontier Tech ETF (LOUP) Overview: Company Selection and Weighting
(8:15) - Are Smaller Companies Poised For Better Growth?
(12:20) - Is The FANG Party Over?
(15:50) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]

Neena Mishra talks with tech expert Gene Munster about a new ETF to invest in disruptive technologies, outlook for FAANGs and more.

(0:45) - 5 Themes Driving Technology (2:30) - Loup Frontier Tech ETF (LOUP) Overview: Company Selection and Weighting (8:15) - Are Smaller Companies Poised For Better Growth? (12:20) - Is The FANG Party Over? (15:50) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]