What we're talking about in this episode!
Why you need to care about estrogen dominance and the role it plays in your body
Take the estrogen dominance assessment and discover if you may be a candidate
Explore the biggest root causes of estrogen dominance and how to address it simply
Understand the science behind how estrogen dominance is created inside the body
Natural recommendations to reduce your estrogen dominance and heal your hormone imbalance
Episode Summary: 
Estrogen dominance is at an all-time high for women 35 years or older in this country. Estrogen dominance can be linked to everything from allergies to autoimmune disorders, breast cancer, infertility and an increased acceleration in your aging process. So what can we do about estrogen dominance? That is where this episode comes in.
If you have been told that your symptoms are only fixable through hormonal birth control, hormone replacement, or just something you ‘don’t need to worry about’, I am here to set the record straight. Today I am taking a deep dive into estrogen dominance and covering everything that you need to know. 
If you are concerned that you may be struggling with estrogen dominance, this is the episode for you. Everything from naturally reversing estrogen dominance, especially if you are in perimenopause, to the biggest risks and symptoms associated with estrogen dominance are on the table today so that you can gain a clear picture of what is going on inside your body. 
What really matters is focusing on loving your gut and loving your liver so that your hormonal pathways can start to serve you instead of hinder you. By taking the steps to address and reversing your estrogen dominance you can take back control of your own health through natural solutions and lifestyle changes that can support your body. 
Are you ready to learn about the role of your different bodily functions when it comes to regulating hormones, detoxifying your cells and making changes so that you feel the best you can? Share your story of estrogen dominance and how you turned it around with us in the comments section on the episode page.
“I can fully relate to this story and fully relate to the concerns. Because it definitely begs the question of ‘could I have prevented that Hashimotos if I had addressed the estrogen dominance much earlier’? Again, it’s all about getting to the root causes.” (8:09)
“Those root causes, they come into the system, and I want to talk about how they ultimately end up throwing off your estrogen levels.” (14:17)
“This is why I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to love, optimize, just shower your liver with so much yummy goodness, because it is literally the gatekeeper to save estrogen metabolism.” (18:37)
“Whether you fully know if you have got an estrogen dominant issue or not, this is win-win, this is a mega win-win.” (21:56)
“Too often we don’t cleanse gently enough or for long enough to get real results. But this detox was designed to give you the perfect amount of time with the least amount of guess-work and hassle.” (33:04)
“What if radical self-healing was one step away, and it only took 14 days to jumpstart your hormone balance?” (35:17)
Resources Mentioned:
Register for the 14 Day Hormone Weight-Loss Detox Here
EY 154: How to Optimize Liver Function to Balance Your Hormones 
The Smart Moms Guide to Essential Oils by Dr. Mariza
Other Resources:
Check out the full show notes page
Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza
Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube

What we're talking about in this episode! Why you need to care about estrogen dominance and the role it plays in your body Take the estrogen dominance assessment and discover if you may be a candidate Explore the biggest root causes of estrogen dominance and how to address it simply Understand the science behind how estrogen dominance is created inside the body Natural recommendations to reduce your estrogen dominance and heal your hormone imbalance


Episode Summary: 

Estrogen dominance is at an all-time high for women 35 years or older in this country. Estrogen dominance can be linked to everything from allergies to autoimmune disorders, breast cancer, infertility and an increased acceleration in your aging process. So what can we do about estrogen dominance? That is where this episode comes in.

If you have been told that your symptoms are only fixable through hormonal birth control, hormone replacement, or just something you ‘don’t need to worry about’, I am here to set the record straight. Today I am taking a deep dive into estrogen dominance and covering everything that you need to know. 

If you are concerned that you may be struggling with estrogen dominance, this is the episode for you. Everything from naturally reversing estrogen dominance, especially if you are in perimenopause, to the biggest risks and symptoms associated with estrogen dominance are on the table today so that you can gain a clear picture of what is going on inside your body. 

What really matters is focusing on loving your gut and loving your liver so that your hormonal pathways can start to serve you instead of hinder you. By taking the steps to address and reversing your estrogen dominance you can take back control of your own health through natural solutions and lifestyle changes that can support your body. 

Are you ready to learn about the role of your different bodily functions when it comes to regulating hormones, detoxifying your cells and making changes so that you feel the best you can? Share your story of estrogen dominance and how you turned it around with us in the comments section on the episode page.



“I can fully relate to this story and fully relate to the concerns. Because it definitely begs the question of ‘could I have prevented that Hashimotos if I had addressed the estrogen dominance much earlier’? Again, it’s all about getting to the root causes.” (8:09)

“Those root causes, they come into the system, and I want to talk about how they ultimately end up throwing off your estrogen levels.” (14:17)

“This is why I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to love, optimize, just shower your liver with so much yummy goodness, because it is literally the gatekeeper to save estrogen metabolism.” (18:37)

“Whether you fully know if you have got an estrogen dominant issue or not, this is win-win, this is a mega win-win.” (21:56)

“Too often we don’t cleanse gently enough or for long enough to get real results. But this detox was designed to give you the perfect amount of time with the least amount of guess-work and hassle.” (33:04)

“What if radical self-healing was one step away, and it only took 14 days to jumpstart your hormone balance?” (35:17)


Resources Mentioned:

Register for the 14 Day Hormone Weight-Loss Detox Here

EY 154: How to Optimize Liver Function to Balance Your Hormones 

The Smart Moms Guide to Essential Oils by Dr. Mariza


Other Resources:

Check out the full show notes page

Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza

Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube

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