If You Want To Stop Rushing and Find Peace, You Should:
Start with self-awareness and pay attention to the signals your body is sending you
Embrace a morning ritual to start your day by design rather than by default
Release your limiting beliefs and start prioritizing your own needs
As a young woman, I was told that I would win if I leveraged my stress and hustled harder than anyone. While these stress-fueled wins can feel good at the moment, ultimately, they do not provide us with peace or inner happiness. While society tells us that leveraging our stress makes us superwomen, it is really by slowing down and prioritizing ourselves that we can show up for ourselves and our families in the best way possible.
Stop Living Your Life Rushing
If you pride yourself on moving fast, not letting anyone down, or saying no, while still feeling exhausted throughout the day, there is a good chance you are somewhere on the Rushing Woman’s Syndrom spectrum.
While you may not think you are rushing because you can handle everything, your liver, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals, ovaries, brain, digestive system, and immune system disagree. Living in survival mode created by stress is no way to live, and the physical symptoms you experience because of this stress will only result in you getting sicker and feeling more miserable.
Start Your Day by Design
The best way to get out of living in survival mode is to start your day by design rather than by default. A morning ritual that prioritizes your self-care can take as little as 10-20 minutes every day and will help shift your energy and support your emotional well-being.
By setting your mind and body up for success through a morning ritual, you can support yourself throughout the day and learn how to handle those moments of stress better when they inevitably show up. Shifting your mindset towards creating peace in your day from the very beginning will help heal your symptoms and set you up to refuel and recharge so that you can get out there and keep kicking booty.
Are you ready for a different version of you that feels energized, happy, and at peace? Share what self-care tips you are implementing into your morning routine with me in the comments section of the episode page.
“Here is the thing about stress, it is insidious. Stress is a silent killer because most of us are entirely unconscious that we are actually experiencing it in the moment.” (2:48)
“I leveraged stress hormones as my secret weapon until I was so depleted that my body just gave out.”  (8:54)
“Once I saw the writing on the wall, I knew that I needed a dramatic transformation if I was ever going to feel like my former self again.” (10:47)
“Don’t we all have 30 days to commit to becoming a better version of ourselves? Or to feel better, feel happier, or to have more energy? At this point, honestly, I didn’t have a choice. And at the end of those 30 days, I realized I was sold.”  (14:35)
“Once you pick out one to two rituals that feel good to you, that final step is saying yes to you and choosing in.” (18:20)
In This Episode
Learn what Rushing Woman’s Syndrome is and how to know if you are experiencing it yourself (4:27)
Discover my personal experience of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome and how it affected me (7:11)
What you can do to take the first steps to listen to your bodies signals (11:37)
Ideas to consider for your morning ritual that will give you more energy long term (15:56)
How to get back to a place of peace and abundance through self-care (19:00)
Resources Mentioned:
Use Promo Code ‘podcast’ for 10% off Your Essentially Whole Magnesium Restore Supplement
The Vitality Bundle
Dr. Mariza Website
Follow Dr. Mariza on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest
Other Resources:
Check out the full show notes page
Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza
Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube
Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative
Related Episodes
Essentially You Episode #117: What It Means to Practice Your Own Self-Care and Authenticity with Elena Brower
Essentially You Episode #178: Are You Addicted to Stress? How To Banish Stress with 3 Strategies
Essentially You Episode #323: Top 10 Simple Eating and Stress Hacks to Help You Survive the Holidays

If You Want To Stop Rushing and Find Peace, You Should: Start with self-awareness and pay attention to the signals your body is sending you Embrace a morning ritual to start your day by design rather than by default Release your limiting beliefs and start prioritizing your own needs


As a young woman, I was told that I would win if I leveraged my stress and hustled harder than anyone. While these stress-fueled wins can feel good at the moment, ultimately, they do not provide us with peace or inner happiness. While society tells us that leveraging our stress makes us superwomen, it is really by slowing down and prioritizing ourselves that we can show up for ourselves and our families in the best way possible.


Stop Living Your Life Rushing

If you pride yourself on moving fast, not letting anyone down, or saying no, while still feeling exhausted throughout the day, there is a good chance you are somewhere on the Rushing Woman’s Syndrom spectrum.

While you may not think you are rushing because you can handle everything, your liver, gall bladder, kidneys, adrenals, ovaries, brain, digestive system, and immune system disagree. Living in survival mode created by stress is no way to live, and the physical symptoms you experience because of this stress will only result in you getting sicker and feeling more miserable.


Start Your Day by Design

The best way to get out of living in survival mode is to start your day by design rather than by default. A morning ritual that prioritizes your self-care can take as little as 10-20 minutes every day and will help shift your energy and support your emotional well-being.

By setting your mind and body up for success through a morning ritual, you can support yourself throughout the day and learn how to handle those moments of stress better when they inevitably show up. Shifting your mindset towards creating peace in your day from the very beginning will help heal your symptoms and set you up to refuel and recharge so that you can get out there and keep kicking booty.

Are you ready for a different version of you that feels energized, happy, and at peace? Share what self-care tips you are implementing into your morning routine with me in the comments section of the episode page.



“Here is the thing about stress, it is insidious. Stress is a silent killer because most of us are entirely unconscious that we are actually experiencing it in the moment.” (2:48)

“I leveraged stress hormones as my secret weapon until I was so depleted that my body just gave out.”  (8:54)

“Once I saw the writing on the wall, I knew that I needed a dramatic transformation if I was ever going to feel like my former self again.” (10:47)

“Don’t we all have 30 days to commit to becoming a better version of ourselves? Or to feel better, feel happier, or to have more energy? At this point, honestly, I didn’t have a choice. And at the end of those 30 days, I realized I was sold.”  (14:35)

“Once you pick out one to two rituals that feel good to you, that final step is saying yes to you and choosing in.” (18:20)


In This Episode

Learn what Rushing Woman’s Syndrome is and how to know if you are experiencing it yourself (4:27) Discover my personal experience of Rushing Woman’s Syndrome and how it affected me (7:11) What you can do to take the first steps to listen to your bodies signals (11:37) Ideas to consider for your morning ritual that will give you more energy long term (15:56) How to get back to a place of peace and abundance through self-care (19:00)


Resources Mentioned:

Use Promo Code ‘podcast’ for 10% off Your Essentially Whole Magnesium Restore Supplement

The Vitality Bundle

Dr. Mariza Website

Follow Dr. Mariza on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest


Other Resources:

Check out the full show notes page

Keep up with everything Dr. Mariza

Follow Dr. Mariza on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube

Podcast production & marketing support by the team at Counterweight Creative


Related Episodes

Essentially You Episode #117: What It Means to Practice Your Own Self-Care and Authenticity with Elena Brower

Essentially You Episode #178: Are You Addicted to Stress? How To Banish Stress with 3 Strategies

Essentially You Episode #323: Top 10 Simple Eating and Stress Hacks to Help You Survive the Holidays

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