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Welcome to the Essential Korean Podcast, where I help break down the nuances of the Korean language to help you become a more aware and confident speaker of Korean. Ready to elevate your Korean skills and join a vibrant community of learners? Join the EK Community at for engaging courses, comprehensive resources, exclusive content, and great conversations on diverse Korea-related topics with other members. Visit our membership page to choose a plan that gives you access to episode transcripts and an enhanced learning experience with weekly classes and study sessions alongside like-minded people. Let’s embark on this wonderful journey together!


In today’s episode, we have another exciting grammar point to cover: the future tense form in Korean. We’ll learn how to conjugate verbs in the future tense, as well as how to conjugate a few irregular verbs. So, if you have been following our podcast episodes in order, you’ll have all three tenses– present, past, and future– under your belt, and, by the end of this episode, you will be able to talk about events or states of being in all three tenses in Korean. How exciting is that! We should get right to the lesson.