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Welcome to the Essential Korean Podcast, where I help break down the nuances of the Korean language to help you become a more aware and confident speaker of Korean. Ready to elevate your Korean skills and join a vibrant community of learners? Join the EK Community at for engaging courses, comprehensive resources, exclusive content, and great conversations on diverse Korea-related topics with other members. Visit our membership page to choose a plan that gives you access to episode transcripts and an enhanced learning experience with weekly classes and study sessions alongside like-minded people. Let’s embark on this wonderful journey together!


In this episode, we will learn our very first verb conjunctive, the 고 conjunctive!

When we add the verbal conjunctive -고 to a verb stem (VS), the conjugated verb carries the meaning of the verb in the present tense and the meaning of ‘and’. As always, we'll learn this conjunctive and practice speaking with situational examples.  

In Korean, different meanings can be marked and expressed right in the verbs with different verbal conjunctives and we’ll learn them one at a time, starting with the -고 conjunctive today. As you start using different verb conjuncitves, your Korean will leap from a novice level and start to flow better. Are you ready to take the leap? I know you are; let’s get right to it :)

** The sentences used in the situational examples in the lesson **

1. My husband speaks Korean to me. And I speak English to my husband.
남편은 나한테 한국말 해요. 그리고 나는 나는 남편한테 영어 해요. → 남편은 나한테 한국말 하고 나는 남편한테 영어 해요.

2. I watch dramas. And I listen to the EK Podcast.
저는 드라마 봐요. 그리고 EK 팟캐스트 들어요. → 저는 드라마 보고 EK 팟캐스트 들어요.

3. I listen to the EK Podcast. And I practice with study buddies. 
저는 EK 팟캐스트 들어요. 그리고 스터디버디하고 연습해요. → 저는 EK 팟캐스트 듣고 스터디버디하고 연습해요.  

4. I practice with study buddies. And I write emails to my Korean friends. And I also text with the friends. 
저는 스터디버디하고 연습해요. 그리고 한국 친구들한테 이메일 써요. 그리고 친구들하고 문자도 해요. → 저는 스터디버디하고 연습하고 한국 친구들한테 이메일 쓰고 친구들하고 문자도 해요