“If it's not good for a river, it's not good for your body because we are exact replicas of this planet we call home. It's not by accident that you and I are born 70% water- just like this planet is 70% water.” 

- Florencia Ramirez 


Episode Description:

Water is a resource that’s easy to take for granted.. Most of us don't think much about the water we use. We turn on the tap in our homes, take long showers, or buy a bottle of water at the corner store. We may not even think about where it comes from, or if it’s safe to drink—until there’s a problem. And as we are now experiencing, the problems we’re facing are getting bigger and more terrifying each year. 


Water isn't just a resource—it's a call to action! It's time to think differently about the way we consume water—because it matters.  


In this episode, Justine sits with Eat Less Water author, Florencia Ramirez for Part 2 of their conversation on the water footprint of the food we eat. Justine and Florencia dive deeper into how we should be thinking about food through the water it uses, being aware of the sources of water we consume, how the color of water affects sustainability, and what simple ways we, as consumers and individuals, can do things today to “eat less water” and protect our water system. 


Meet Florencia:

Florencia is a trained researcher at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy, activist, educator, and mother.  After focusing on water-waste prevention in bathrooms, she, recognizing that “seven out of every ten gallons of water is used for food production,” redirected her efforts to the kitchen, where much more could be saved. Florencia fully immerses herself in her subject with eye-opening field trips to resourceful water-sustainable croplands across America. She has been interviewed by NPR, American Public Media, KCRW’s Good Food, New York and Bay Area Pacifica Radio, Entertainment Weekly, CBS and KTLA Morning News, and several popular podcasts. She is now working to transition schools and parks from chemicals to organic landscaping in and around Oxnard, California, with funding awarded by Patagonia.   








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Episode Highlights:

01:19 Eat Less Water- What It Means

06:04 The Color of Water

10:08 How to Eat Less Water

13:32 Understand the Story Your Food Tells

16:04 The Power of Our Voice as Consumers

18:50 Waste Less Food 

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