“We are A PART OF nature, we are not apart from nature.” —Hoda Mohajerani 


At our core, humans are a part of nature, not separate from it. Our health and well-being depend heavily on the natural world around us. The modern world may have pushed us into a distance from nature, but if we want to achieve optimal health, we must ensure that our choices are in harmony with the world around us. By working with the natural rhythms of the earth, we can create thriving ecosystems that nourish both our bodies and the planet. 


Founded by Hoda Mohajerani, Chakra Chai® is a heart-centered business that believes that food is not just vital for our bodies, but it can also heal the environment. Based on the Ayurvedic teachings on the interconnectedness of life, they are committed to spreading values that are in harmony with the earth and its people and are proud of their regenerative agriculture techniques and responsible business practices. 


Their mission is not only to offer exceptional products but also to contribute positively to society. Being a part of the Eco-Alliance, Chakra Chai® is passionate about discovering sustainable packaging alternatives to reduce their impact on the planet. This is why they prioritize utilizing materials that are compostable, recyclable, and reusable.


In this episode, Justine sits with Hoda to discuss why we should be mindful of the food we consume and how we consume them. They also share how we can apply “regenerative” not only in agriculture but also in our business, how food can build a community, where individual and systemic change start, what Ayurveda means, what are chakras, and how we can nourish these energy centers. With so much valuable information to gain, you won’t want to miss this week’s podcast!

Meet Hoda:

Following the loss of her newborn son, Arta, Hoda’s body, mind, and soul were in a state of disarray. Her heart was shattered, her energy depleted, and she suffered from chronic gut and colon problems. Hoda’s being was in turmoil while she struggled to find solace in her physical and emotional state. However, the sheer power of her will kept her going through the toughest of times.


While meditating at home, Hoda heard a whisper from her dear Arta: “Chakra Chai”. At first, she was not sure what it meant or what her little one was trying to tell her. Over time, though, she began to understand the profound message, delivered with the utmost tenderness and love.


Hoda received a download of information that she knew was sacred and powerful. She sat with her thoughts and quieted her mind, allowing for the message to sink in and take root. She knew that this was an incredible gift, one that she had to honor and pursue with all her being.


CHAKRA CHAI is the product of her loss and grief, but it has become Hoda’s mission in life to offer a drink that brings wholeness, balance, and strength to those who need it. It is a privilege to serve others, and she hopes that each sip of CHAKRA CHAI offers solace and healing to all those who come across it.







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Episode Highlights:

01:29 Inspired by Heritage

07:21 Deeper Into Regenerative Agriculture

10:07 In Tuned with Nature 

17:50 Functional Foods 

22:25 What is Ayurveda