If you meet someone that does what you do, you don’t want to open up about the things that you do because you’re afraid you’ll reveal too much.

You don’t want to give away "trade" secrets.

The truth is, what you’re really afraid of is being exposed as an impostor.

You doubt your own abilities.

You don’t give yourself enough credit for the things that you do and what you know.

And these doubts create a persistent internalized fear that someone will expose you as a fraud or a fake.

So, you don’t want to reveal too much about who you are and what you do.

Because you think they’ll figure out what you already know.

That you’re not as good as what you want everyone to believe you are.

Here’s what I want to share with you…

Instead of being afraid of being exposed, you could be willing to be vulnerable with what you know.

(Watch Video)


[Essential Healing - Episode 95]