WHY DON'T YOU CHANGE IT?   A few weeks ago, a small box fell out of my bathroom cabinet while I was trying to get to something else.   It felt like the gazillionth time it happened.   "Argh…," I thought. "Stupid box."   Then another thought crossed my mind….   "Why don't you change it??"   Interesting question. Why didn't I change it? I'd KNOCKED that box out of the cabinet a gazillion times, but I never once attempted to move it somewhere else so that didn't happen.   In this episode, I share a few reasons why we don't realize the changes that need to happen in our life even though they're right in front of us.   (Watch Video)   …..   [Essential Healing - Episode 131] #essentialhealing

WHY DON'T YOU CHANGE IT?   A few weeks ago, a small box fell out of my bathroom cabinet while I was trying to get to something else.   It felt like the gazillionth time it happened.   "Argh…," I thought. "Stupid box."   Then another thought crossed my mind….   "Why don't you change it??"   Interesting question. Why didn't I change it? I'd KNOCKED that box out of the cabinet a gazillion times, but I never once attempted to move it somewhere else so that didn't happen.   In this episode, I share a few reasons why we don't realize the changes that need to happen in our life even though they're right in front of us.   (Watch Video)   …..   [Essential Healing - Episode 131] #essentialhealing