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About a week ago we took our daughter bowling for her birthday.

I’ve always felt like sports don’t come naturally to me.

In my head, I imagine that they do, but when I get out onto the court, field, or lane, the picture tells a different story.

And, because one of the survival/coping techniques I learned growing up was to stay in the shadows, then in the past I avoided anything that might bring attention to me. Sports included.

I’ve told myself that I need to set aside my fear and do it anyway, but experience has taught me that isn’t enough to change the result.

I’d like to be able to play and have fun, but deep down, I dread playing sports.

The other day was different though.

I went in knowing that I would suck and that was ok. I didn’t have any expectations of being a bowling superstar.

I went in just wanting to have fun with my family, and if I made a fool of myself, then we could laugh together.

The interesting thing is that as I stepped up to bowl the first frame, I decided to shift my focus. Instead of imagining throwing the ball down the lane along the arrows on the floor, I kept my eyes locked on the target.

The result: we played 2 games and I scored 90 points each!

I know this isn’t a high score in the game of bowling, but for me, it was HUGE. I haven’t bowled above 65 for years (if ever).

I left the bowling alley that day feeling invigorated because I had fun.

It reminded me how much a simple change in focus, perspective, or approach can make a huge impact.

And, without breaking the patterns (of setting expectations of myself and being afraid to be vulnerable), it wouldn’t have occurred to me to change my approach.

It was the combination of both.

There’s more to it than just breaking the cycle.

(Watch Video)


[Essential Healing - Episode 36]