Welcome to the final installment of our series 'How to Get Motivation and Keep It (Part 3)'. Join Erin and Sarit to delve deeper into maintaining momentum on your growth journey. Please Visit our Website to get more information: https://emunahstrength.com/

In this episode, we explore how to transform setbacks into opportunities inspired by the wisdom of Sadhguru. Learn essential tips for overcoming challenges, drawing motivation from your environment, and the importance of physical and mental well-being in progressing toward your goals.

Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover in this game-changing installment:

Practice Gain vs. Gap Mindset: Learn how shifting your perspective from what you lack (the gap) to what you've gained and achieved can fuel your motivation and boost your self-esteem.

Track the Process - Reflection: Dive into the power of self-reflection and how monitoring your progress, identifying what worked, what didn't, and what could have worked better can guide your motivation and growth.

Shift Your Relationship with Failure: Explore the transformative mindset shift that allows you to view failure as a valuable learning experience rather than a setback.

Seek Inspiration: Discover the various sources of inspiration and motivation that can rekindle your passion and drive, even during challenging times.

Stay Physically Fit: Learn how maintaining physical fitness, including staying mentally sharp, eating clean, and getting adequate rest, can have a profound impact on your overall motivation and productivity.

This episode is about How To Stay Motivated For Body Transformation: 5 Secret Tips (Part 3). But It also covers the following topics:

How To Overcome Challenges

Physical Health For Success

Success Mindset Strategies