Today I’d like you to consider this question:

Is your English unbalanced?

If something is unbalanced, it means it is not equal, it is not even. There is more in one part, and less in another part.

What does it mean for your English to be unbalanced?

Learning a language has many different aspects:

Reading Writing Listening Speaking Grammar Vocabulary

If you are strong in some areas, but weak in others, your English is unbalanced.

Some students read a lot - even advanced texts - but they can't understand much when they listen. Some students have a large vocabulary... but they can't put the words they know into phrases. Some students are great at grammar, and can write very well... but have very bad pronunciation, and it's difficult to understand their accent.

This is what it means for your English to be unbalanced. And in a moment, I'll give you some tips for solving this problem.

But first, look at those six aspects of the English language and think about which area you are strongest in, and which area you are weakest in.

In order to be fluent in English, you need to be good at ALL the aspects of the language, because they are all connected, and all of them are important for fluency.

How can you balance these areas and improve them all?

Here's one suggestion: You can dedicate one day of the week to working on each area.

For example…

Monday - Reading Tuesday - Writing Wednesday - Listening Thursday - Speaking Friday - Grammar Saturday - Vocabulary Sunday - (Relax!)

This way, you can make progress in all the areas together, and your English level will improve as a whole. Now, in order to study all the aspects, you might have to visit many different websites...

reading an article on a news site listening to a podcast on a different website taking a vocabulary quiz from a textbook, etc.

But inside the Complete Program at Espresso English, you'll get everything you need in one place! The program includes courses and e-books focusing on all the different areas of English, helping you improve ALL your skills.

This way, you can make progress towards English fluency in a healthy, balanced way.

January is the best time to join the Complete Program because you can get the lowest possible monthly payment!

Let me explain:

The total value of all the courses in the Complete Program is over $600, and I offer a 50% discount to $297.

But I know that for many students it’s still hard to spend that much all at one time – I understand. That’s why you can divide the payment over 12 months, and it ends up being just under $25/month, which is much better, don’t you think?

This special 12-month payment plan is only available in January, so after the month is over, it won’t be offered again until next year.

Please don’t wait another year to get serious about improving your English – start today, and by the end of the year you’ll be able to say “WOW, I made such great progress!”

I hope the new year is going well for you so far, and I’d love to help you learn even more English inside my Complete Program. Bye for now!