Previous Episode: Protect Your World!

I married an Ideal, what I got was an Ordeal, and now I want a new deal, said the man getting a divorce. I have heard someone say:  I went ten years, that is a good run. People can talk about marriages like cars. I’ll get a new one if this one is a lemon. Marriage was created, that is, ordained by God; He, therefore, is the only one that sets the requirements and boundaries of marriage. A man and a woman unite to become lifetime partners together with God. This is the goal and the ideal. Now, if you have gone through a divorce, please know this advice is for single, single again, and married. We love you, and there is hope after a divorce. It is a painful process, and I, for one, would not add any more pain to the weight you carry; however, to remind you, this is on marriage, not divorce. It is more about how to prevent divorce.

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