Greetings, denizens of Esoterotica Land and welcome to Esoterotica’s “Soft” for April 14th, 2021.

My name is Mike Marina, subbing in for Shadow Angelina this evening. Tonight our provocateurs will explore the theme and idea of soft—gentle quiet—for in this loud raucous world, sometimes what we need is a contrast. Often Esoterotica’s provocateurs are bombastic, this night is that contrast.


Juliet RoseShadow AngelinaAimé SansSavantJust ShannonMike Marina Invaluable Emily

Join us in two weeks (April 28th) when Esoterotica is “On Fire” a night dedicated to those times when you and your lover/s experience passion to such a level that it consumes everything.

Music: “Lost Worlds” by Ketsa.
Feel free to drop a tip in the digital hat. We would appreciate it.
Venmo: @ShadowAngelina
Cashapp: $ShadowAngelina
or PayPal