Welcome to Esoterotica’s "Gods and Monsters" for March 31st, 2021.

When the Provocateurs of Esoterotica contemplate this particular theme, we never quite know what will happen. What we do know is that the delving into power exchange, the conventionally accepted ideas of what constitutes a god or a monster, the excavation of what is both divine and terrible within ourselves, never fails to leave us satisfied, while simultaneously filled with even more questions than we had before. Desire, sex, love each of these can make Gods or Monsters of us all... often both at the same time.


Roux B ShearsMike MarinaShadow AngelinaPanzachualGeoff MunstermanJuliet RoseHarvey

Join us in two weeks for our theme, "Soft." Be it volume, textures, feelings, or moments, often Esoterotica’s provocateurs are bombastic, this night is the opposite. From now til then, begin thinking about what brings out the softness in you. The gentle and vulnerable in each of us is not easy to keep coaxing to the surface. How do you protect it, while still allowing it to thrive?

Music: “Strung Low” by Ketsa.
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