ESG Decoded is the podcast powered by Global Affairs Associates to share relevant updates related to business innovation and sustainability in a manner that is clear and actionable.

In this episode, Kaitlyn Allen talks with Steven Okun, Founder and CEO of APAC Advisors, which offers clients hybrid expertise in government relations, policy, and sustainability empowering them to operate at the intersection of business, government, and media.  Steven has more than 25 years’ experience across government, public affairs, and communications and has lived and worked in Asia since 2003. He consults on sustainability and ESG in the financial services industry, specifically for private equity firms based in Asia. Steve is also Senior Advisor for geostrategic consultancy McLarty Associates, a frequent analyst for CNBC, Channel News Asia, and The Straits Times, and serves as Senior Advisor in Southeast Asia for the Global Private Capital Association.

This episode is intended to provide listeners with ESG perspectives that are not centered around US or European constructs.  Listen as Steven covers a range of sustainability topics from an Asian vantage point.   He discusses energy-related social, access, and poverty reduction issues that are often left out of the conversation about energy transition in developed nations.  He also explains how investment decisions can differ in emerging markets, with consideration given to a company’s current ESG mindset and its sustainability potential over time (as opposed to factoring in track record and current performance).

Steven only intended to live in Singapore for 5 years. Thank goodness he stayed and became an expert in the region’s sustainability issues. Kaitlyn and Steven have both been fellows with a diplomatic initiative by the National Committee on US-China Relations, called the Young Leaders Forum. It is great to have them collaborate on this episode.  Subscribe to ESG Decoded where you consume your podcasts and connect via social media to share your perspectives.

Resource Boosts

APAC Advisors

National Committee on US-China Relations

CDC Group ESG Toolkit for Emerging Markets

Monetary Authority of Singapore