In this episode, Kaitlyn Allen talks with Rob West, Founder of Thunder Said Energy, a research consultancy for energy technologies and energy transition. Prior to Thunder Said, Rob built up the energy practice at Redburn, among the world’s leading, independent equity-research firms. He was responsible for the team’s energy strategy and commodity market research, while covering Super-Majors.  Rob is also a Research Associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

Kaitlyn follows Rob’s research, and believes he is one of the best energy transition analysts in the field.  Listen as they discuss the biggest opportunities for meeting the world’s energy needs while achieving net zero carbon emissions. This topic is more complicated than most will admit.  Think about it: when have you gone one day without consuming fossil fuels, especially in light of the fact that two-thirds of CO2 emissions are embedded in “stuff”?

Loyal listeners of this podcast have learned that ESG has connective tissue to so many other topics.  In this case, it is so neat to learn that the name Thunder Said is derived from the T.S. Eliot poem, The Waste Land Part V – What the Thunder Said.  A perfect side note for our poetry junkies.  Subscribe to ESG Decoded where you consume your podcasts and connect via social media to share your perspectives.

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Thunder Said Energy’s Roadmap to complete decarbonization of the global energy system by 2050 at an average CO2 cost of $42/ton:

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