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Erin Burnett OutFront

426 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★ - 432 ratings

Erin Burnet OutFront: Out in the field. In front of the headlines. A courageous and unconventional nightly news program.

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House Judiciary Chair: "We are now in a constitutional crisis"; CNN: Trump Jr. subpoenaed by GOP-led Senate Intel Committee; Top Dem: "We are on the road" toward impeaching Trump

May 09, 2019 04:38 - 41 minutes - 18.8 MB

Committee votes to hold Barr in contempt over Mueller Report; GOP-led Senate Intel Committee issues subpoena to Trump Jr. a day after McConnell said "case closed"; Source: He's considering taking 5th or not showing up; Dem: "We're inching closer everyday" toward impeaching Trump; Trump admits he took huge write offs amid report he lost $1.17B over a decade, compares tax strategy to "sport"; Trump defends $1.17B in business losses as being for "tax purposes", brags his use of tax system was "s...

Trump, White House repeatedly block efforts to check Trump's power, New York Times obtains 10 years worth of Trump's tax info; Shows Trump paid no income taxes 8 of 10 years, Wray breaks with Barr on "Spying": "Not the term I would use"

May 08, 2019 01:15 - 40 minutes - 18.7 MB

Trump, White House repeatedly block efforts to check Trump's power; White House tells McGahn to defy subpoena from House Democrats, says Mueller shouldn't testify, New York Times: New info on Trump taxes show Trump ran up $1.2B in business losses over a decade, New York Times: New info from Trump's taxes appears to show Trump lost more money than nearly any other individual taxpayer, McGahn's Chief of Staff, key player in Mueller report, could also be subpoenaed, Jill Biden reveals the moment...

Hundreds of former Federal prosecutors say Trump would've been charged with obstruction were he not President; Mnuchin refuses to turn over Trump's taxes to House Dems, claims there is no "legitimate legislative purpose"; Does a booming economy mean 4 mor

May 07, 2019 02:51 - 39 minutes - 18.2 MB

House Judiciary schedules vote to hold Barr in contempt; Trump claims two years of his presidency were "stolen" due to Mueller probe; Michigan GOP official: "This is ground zero" in 2020; Michigan voter: Economy is the "key" factor in 2020 race; Sen. Kamala Harris in Detroit: "Our economy is not working for working people"; Harris: Old forms of hate have received new fuel under Trump; Michael Cohen before starting prison sentence: There "remains much to be told, and I look forward to the day ...

Trump calls Mueller probe "Russian hoax" in 1.5 hour call with Putin, but doesn't raise election meddling; Former member of Ken Starr's team says it's time for Congress to launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump; Unemployment rate falls to

May 04, 2019 02:47 - 41 minutes - 18.8 MB

Trump contradicts aides over Russia's involvement in Venezuela; Trump doesn't raise meddling in call with Putin despite Mueller finding Russia interfered in "sweeping and systematic fashion"; Unemployment falls to near 50-year low; Polls: Trump hits high on Econ approval, but few say they have benefited a great deal; Trump: "I'll be running on the economy" as unemployment falls to lowest level since 1969; Trump seizes on NYT report that FBI sent investigator to meet with ex-aide Papadopoulos,...

Pelosi says Barr "lied to congress" and "That's a crime"; comes as attorney general Barr was no-show at judiciary hearing; Trump says he won't let McGahn testify before congress; Focus turns to Mueller testimony after Barr takes jabs at Mueller for handli

May 03, 2019 05:22 - 46 minutes - 21.1 MB

Pelosi says Barr "lied to congress" and "That's a crime"; comes as attorney general Barr was no-show at judiciary hearing; Pelosi says Barr "lied to congress" and "That's a crime" democrats weigh holding Barr in contempt over Mueller report; Pelosi says Barr "lied to congress" and "That's a crime" short of saying he should go to jail, says CMTE will act on it; Trump says he won't let McGahn testify before congress; Then claims he's given "Total transparency"; Sen. Kamala Harris: Barr didn't a...

Barr refuses to appear before House Committee tomorrow; Nadler: "He's trying to blackmail" committee over ground rules; Trump praises Barr's testimony: "He did a great job today"

May 02, 2019 02:52 - 46 minutes - 21.4 MB

House Judiciary Chair considering citing Barr with contempt; Barr refuses to appear before House Committee tomorrow after facing five hours of tough questions in Senate today; Barr calls Mueller's letter criticizing his memo "snitty"; Barr at odds with Mueller's key findings during hearing; House Judiciary Chair weighs citing Barr with contempt; Doesn't rule out subpoena after Barr refuses to appear before Committee; Nadler: Barr refuses to appear at hearing and is "trying to blackmail the Co...

Biden targets Trump: My motto is "Make America moral again", Growing number of Republicans troubled by Trump's Fed pick, Washington Post: Mueller took issue with Barr's depiction of findings

May 01, 2019 01:23 - 46 minutes - 21.3 MB

Biden about to speak in Iowa as he intensifies attacks on Trump: My motto is "Make America moral again", Biden about to speak during first Iowa visit as polls show big early lead; Conway repeatedly brings up Biden unprompted, CNN Poll: Biden more than 20 points ahead of competitors, More GOP Senators express doubt about Trump Fed pick; Moore in 2000: "The male" needs to be the family breadwinner, Washington Post: Mueller told Barr his memo failed to fully capture "Context, nature, and substan...

Biden targets Trump: Voters should choose "truth over lies"; Official: terror plot suspect targeted "Jews, churches, and police officers", wanted to cause "mass casualties"; Buttigieg meets with Sharpton as he tries to court black voters

April 30, 2019 03:14 - 41 minutes - 19.1 MB

Trump advisers warn him against attacking Biden, other Dems; Former U.S. Army soldier charged with plotting terror attacks; Synagogue shooting suspect formally charged with murder; FBI was alerted to threatening post 5 minutes before shooting began; Buttigieg on Biden: "The contrast couldn't be more different...we're talking about generational change"; Biden brings issue of white nationalism to forefront in 2020 race; Nadler vows to hold hearing even if Barr is a no-show, tells Attorney Gener...

Trump defends Charlottesville comments after Biden attacks; Biden tops Democrats, raises $6.3 million in first 24 hours of campaign; Washington Post: Rosenstein told Trump he gives Mueller investigation "credibility" and "I can land the plane" in bid to s

April 27, 2019 02:26 - 43 minutes - 19.8 MB

Trump defends Charlottesville comments as being perfect after Biden hits "both sides" remarks; Trump defends Charlottesville remarks: I "answered perfectly"; Biden speaks out on grief and relationship with the McCains; Washington Post: Rosenstein told Trump he gives Mueller probe "credibility"; Washington Post: Rosenstein assured Trump he was on his team and that he could "land the plane" in bid to save job; FBI Director Wray: Russia poses a "very significant counterintelligence threat... in ...

Biden holding first fundraiser hours after 2020 announcement; Trump denies ordering McGahn to fire Mueller; Dems step up pressure on Stephen Miller, seek documents from DHS

April 26, 2019 02:59 - 42 minutes - 19.3 MB

Biden holding first fundraiser hours after announcing he's taking on Trump for the presidency: "I cannot stand by"; Anita Hill slams Biden for handling of hearings despite call; NYT: Joe Biden privately expresses regret to Anita Hill; Hill: "He needs to give an apology" to the American public; McGahn under oath to Mueller: Trump told me "Mueller has to go"; WH blocks Miller from testifying on immigration; House democrats probe White House role in firings of top leaders at DHS; House Dems weig...

Trump: "We're fighting all the subpoenas" from Dems after he said he was "by far" the most transparent president; Hillary Clint OP-ED: Mueller documented a "serious crime" against all Americans, warns Russia will interfere again; Kudlow: WH still supports

April 25, 2019 03:11 - 42 minutes - 19.5 MB

Trump suggests Mueller "checked my taxes" despite no mention of them in 448 page report; Source: "Like pulling teeth" to get White House to focus on Russian election interference; NYT: Nielsen urged to not bring up Russian meddling with Trump; Source: Feeling among WH senior staff is that it's not a "good idea" to bring up Russian meddling with Trump; Trump Fed pick: Critics are "pulling a Kavanaugh against me"; Admits he wrote "some politically incorrect columns"; Kushner prepares to submit ...

Treasury Secretary stalls on demand for Trump's taxes again, Kushner: Mueller probe more harmful to U.S. than Russian meddling, Trump meets with Twitter CEO hours after slamming Twitter

April 24, 2019 01:37 - 40 minutes - 18.6 MB

Senior White House official: White House likely to fight subpoena for McGahn, Treasury Secretary stalls, sets date for "Final decision" on Trump''s tax returns after failing to meet deadline, Trump administration stonewalls Democrats efforts to investigate Trump's taxes, security clearances and interview former officials, Trump team tries to block Democrats efforts to probe Trump, White House tells official not to comply with Democrats subpoena, Trump team fighting demands for Trump's tax ret...

Trump threatens retaliation over Mueller report, says it's "time to turn the tables" & claims parts are "total bulls**t"; Senator Warren calls for impeachment proceedings; more House Democrats sign on to impeachment resolution

April 20, 2019 02:26 - 43 minutes - 19.7 MB

Elizabeth Warren calls for impeachment proceedings; Romney on Mueller report: "I am sickened by dishonesty and misdirection" of President Trump; Elizabeth Warren calls on both parties to put politics aside & start impeachment proceedings against Trump; Trump slams "people" in Mueller report who took "so-called notes"; Mitt Romney first republican to call out Trump on Mueller findings: "I am sickened at" the dishonesty; Joe Biden to announce 2020 run next week via Knit

Mueller: Trump told Sessions, "This is the end of my presidency. I'm F***d after learning of Mueller appointment; Mueller redacted info on 12 of 14 investigations he referred to other United States attorney's offices; Barr defends Trump's actions during

April 19, 2019 03:31 - 48 minutes - 22.4 MB

Mueller: Trump told Sessions, "This is the end of my presidency. I'm F***d after learning of Mueller appointment; Mueller: Trump's efforts to obstruct "were mostly unsuccessful" because subordinates refused to "carry out orders"; Mueller doesn't make decision on 10 instances of potential obstruction, says congress has authority to probe; Mueller: Trump told Mueller " must be removed"; McGahn threatened to quit, worried about "Saturday night massacre"; House judiciary chairman will subpoena f...

Nadler slams Barr for 9:30AM news conference tomorrow, hours before DOJ is providing Mueller Report to Congress; NYT: Trump aides filled with paranoia ahead of Mueller Report; Trump says it's "hard to believe" Obama was unaware of alleged spying on campai

April 18, 2019 02:43 - 43 minutes - 19.7 MB

Mueller not attending Barr's 9:30AM presser; Nadler asks why presser is held hours before report released; Sources: DOJ told Congress they will get Mueller Report around 11AM; NYT: Justice Department has had numerous conversations with WH lawyers about Mueller Report before its release; Barr to give Congress redacted Mueller Report at 11AM; State Media: Kim Jong Un directs first weapons test since Trump's failed summit with North Korean leader; State Media: Kim Jong Un test fires "tactical gu...

Sources: Aides fret Mueller report will unleash Trump's temper, House Democrats want info on Trump's pardon offer to official, Paris prosecutors investigating timeline of Notre Dame fire

April 17, 2019 01:08 - 43 minutes - 19.8 MB

Current and former Trump aides dreading Mueller report will deliver most credible account of Presidential tumult and chaos, GOP says tension high among Trump aides who cooperated with Mueller: Trump "Is going to go bonkers", Barr's record raises questions about handling of Mueller report; Report: Barr misled on full findings in past case, House Democrats demand info from administration after CNN report reveals Trump offered top official a pardon if he broke the law, Notre Dame fire alarm soun...

Investigation launched as fire guts Notre Dame Cathedral; Iconic spire lost, 400 firefighters race on to save what's left; Congressional investigators subpoena Deutsche Bank for info on Trump, comes as WH braces for Mueller Report release; Sanders tax ret

April 16, 2019 03:23 - 42 minutes - 19.4 MB

Fire rips through Notre Dame Cathedral; Iconic spire lost, roof has collapsed, but bell towers "safe"; Loaned billions to Trump when other banks wouldn't; Bernie Sanders: "If anyone thinks I should apologize for writing a best-selling book, I'm sorry, I'm not going to do it"; Signs Buttigieg may be stealing O'Rourke's thunder: Rising donor enthusiasm; Austin mayor endorses Buttigieg over O'Rourke; Ex-Obama aides: Buttigieg a lot like what Obama sounded like; The world mourns as fire engulfs N...

Officials: Trump told border protection chief he'd be pardoned if he were to break immigration law; New Mueller report details: Rosenstein says it will clear up questions about Russian interference in election; Buttigieg says he has more experience in gov

April 13, 2019 02:43 - 40 minutes - 18.7 MB

Trump threatens to dump migrants into sanctuary cities, admits he wants to retaliate against democrats; Rosenstein reveals new details about Mueller Report; defends Barr: "He's being as forthcoming as he can"; Conservative who voted for Trump calls Buttigieg "Honest", "Straight-shooter" & "Whip-smart"; Local official says she warned Buttigieg he would be challenged as Mayor: "You need some battle scars"; Buttigieg: "Not interested in feuding" with Pence, but he should be clear about where he ...

Trump praises Barr for echoing him on "Spying" claims, calls it "Unprecedented spying"; neither has provided evidence; Comey rejects Barr claim of "Spying" on Trump campaign; Pelosi blast Trump's fed picks, call Stephen Moore and Herman Cain "Ill-suited,"

April 12, 2019 04:30 - 44 minutes - 20.2 MB

Trump praises Barr for echoing him on "Spying" claims, calls it "Unprecedented spying"; neither has provided evidence; Trump doubles down on Barr's "Spying" claim, without proof; Rosenstein: Barr is "Being as forthcoming as he can"; Trump takes Barr's claim even further without proof: "it was illegal spying and unprecedented spying"; Comey rejects Barr claim of "Spying" on Trump campaign; Comey on Barr's claim "Spying" did . occur" on Trump campaign: "I really don't know what he's talking abo...

Conspiracy Theory: AG William Barr believes Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign, but where's the evidence?

April 11, 2019 03:00 - 42 minutes - 19.4 MB

Conspiracy Theory: AG William Barr believes Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign; Nancy Pelosi's harsh words for AG Barr; Trump's inner circle talking hush money payments with Federal investigators; Amazon's Jeff Bezos speaking with federal prosecutors; Trump standing by his Federal Reserve Pick, Herman Cain. via Knit

Attorney General won't say whether White House has seen Mueller report, Nadler warns he will subpoena full, unredacted Mueller report, Mnuchin: Whiite House consulted Treasury on Trump's tax returns

April 10, 2019 02:04 - 41 minutes - 19.1 MB

Attorney General dodges questions on Mueller report, says redacted version to be released "Within a week", Barr dodges when asked if Trump is correct when he claims he was exonerated on obstruction of justice, Former Watergate lawyer: Full Mueller report could be released if House opens preliminary impeachment hearings, Mnuchin reveals Treasury and White House lawyers discussed Trump's tax returns before House Committee requested them, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin threatens to never return to H...

Sources: Trump wanted to expand family separations policy to include those who enter legally, Nielsen told him not possible; Dem to tell Barr handling of Mueller Report is "unacceptable"; WH says public and Congress have no right to see Trump's tax return

April 09, 2019 02:30 - 41 minutes - 18.8 MB

Sources: Trump ordered partial border shutdown; Nielsen argued it wouldn't stop migrants and Trump said, "I don't care"; Admin official: Trump "just wants to separate families"; Official: Homeland Security Dept. seeing "near-systematic purge"; Dem to slam Barr at hearing for handling of Mueller Report: Quick conclusions "more suspicious than impressive"; Prosecutor: Alleged Chinese Mar-A-Lago trespasser had device to detect hidden cameras, 9 USB drives, 5 SIM cards; Prosecutor: Chinese woman ...

Admin Official: Trump ready to take tax return fight to Supreme Court; Team "would be willing to die" on this hill; Trump to migrants: "Our country is full. Can't take you anymore"; Biden on complaints about behavior: "I'm sorry I didn't understand more.

April 06, 2019 02:57 - 41 minutes - 19.1 MB

Trump has "nothing" to say on tax return fight except he "got elected" and he's "under audit"; Source: Trump's attorneys have been prepping tax return push back for months; NYT: Trump asked McConnell to fast-track IRS pick; Trump: Biden is "only a threat to himself" in 2020 race; Pompeo: Woman accused of illegally entering Mar-a-Lago shows China is a threat; Trump calls it a "fluke situation"; Barr faces growing pressure to release full Mueller report; Judiciary Chair threatens subpoena at an...

Nadler demands all DOJ communications with Mueller on report after Mueller's team reportedly says Barr left out alarming evidence; Trump picks Herman Cain for Fed Board; House Oversight Chair meets with secret service after Mar-a-Lago security breach, vow

April 05, 2019 02:24 - 41 minutes - 19.1 MB

Nadler demands Barr release Mueller team Summaries; Michael Cohen asks Democrats for help staying out of prison, says he has discovered substantial files that might be helpful; Trump walks back threat to close border this week; Chinese Government helping woman arrested for entering Mar-a-Lago as FBI probes whether incident was espionage attempt; Top Democrats demand answers on Mar-a-Lago security breach; Radio show becoming must-stop for 2020 Democrats; Bernie Sanders sidesteps questions abo...

First on CNN: Top Dem demands IRS release six years of Trump's personal & business tax returns within seven days; Official: FBI investigating Mar-a-lago breach for possible espionage; Prosecutor: Chinese woman "extreme flight risk"; Biden: I will be "more

April 04, 2019 02:53 - 46 minutes - 21.1 MB

Trump: "Not concerned" about Mar-a-lago security breach; Source: FBI investigating whether it was an espionage attempt; Biden speaks out in video to try to move beyond controversy, signals he's about to run for president; NYT: Some Mueller investigators believe findings are more troubling for Trump than Barr indicated; Trump says his father was born in Germany (he wasn't); WH refuses to explain why Trump repeatedly claims his father was born in Germany (he was born in NYC); White House strugg...

Chinese woman arrested for illegally entering Mar-a-Lago during Trump's visit, Democrats serve four subpoenas to Trump administration officials, Trump doubles down on border threat even if it hurts economy

April 03, 2019 01:33 - 40 minutes - 18.7 MB

Authorities: Chinese woman charged with illegally entering Trump's Mar-a-Lago had four cell phones and malware, Trump: Democrats are "Ridiculous for threatening subpoenas for full Mueller report; Trump weeks ago: "Let it come out", Schiff: Mueller testifying before Congress is "Inevitable", Trump doubles down on shutting down border even as he admits it's have "Negative impact" on U.S. economy, McConnell warns of "Catastrophic economic impact", White House spokesman refers to Puerto Rico as "...

Trump Admin. Official: Border closure would be "catastrophic"; Whistleblower: White House approved security clearances for 25 people despite "serious disqualifying issues"; Source: Allegations won't dissuade Biden from running as second woman alleges him

April 02, 2019 02:49 - 41 minutes - 19.2 MB

White House official: "We could be in a whole world of hurt" if Trump shuts down southern border; Trump threatens to shut down southern border as White House official warns: We are in for a "world of hurt"; Democrats working on subpoenas for info on White House security clearances and for full Mueller Report; Beto O'Rourke: "Let's abolish the Electoral College"; Senate Democrats take first steps toward eliminating it; Bezos investigator: Saudis behind leak of racy texts; 2020 candidates swear...

Atty Gen: Redacted Mueller report will be made public by mid-April or sooner; Judiciary Chair demands no redactions; Barr says his letter on Mueller report was not meant to be "an exhaustive recounting" of the nearly 400-page report; Ocasio-Cortez respond

March 30, 2019 03:07 - 42 minutes - 19.6 MB

Barr: Redacted Mueller report to be made public by mid-April; report is nearly 400 pages long, public has only seen 74 words; Trump threatens to close southern border next week; Puerto Rico Gov. On Trump: "I'll punch the bully in the mouth"; Trump's pick for Fed seat Stephen Moore admits to "Steep learning curve" about "how the Fed operates" if confirmed; Donald Trump to Donald Trump: "Thanks!" via Knit

GOP Congressman on pivot from Mueller to health care: Trump spiked the football and the "Damn ball ... hit us in the nose; Pelosi calls Barr's summary of Mueller report "Arrogant":"We do not need your interpretation, show us the report"; Poll: Pete Buttig

March 29, 2019 03:30 - 41 minutes - 19 MB

GOP Congressman on pivot from Mueller to health care: Trump spiked the football and the "Damn ball ... hit us in the nose; Republicans stunned by Trump pivot to health care; issue was top reason democrats won back the house; Trump now in no "Great rush" to come up with a health care plan after touting "Better than Obamacare" replacement; Pelosi calls Barr's summary of Mueller report "Arrogant":"We do not need your interpretation, show us the report"; Democrat aide: House judiciary chair asked...

House Judiciary Chair just spoke with Attorney General, says Barr won't commit to releasing full Mueller Report; White House official says no "fresh" plan to replace Obamacare as Trump ignores top aides' opposition to killing it; Stacey Abrams on VP talk:

March 28, 2019 03:43 - 43 minutes - 19.7 MB

CNN Poll: 56% say Trump not exonerated of collusion; McConnell blocks vote on release for 2nd time; Fired FBI Director on Trump-Russia probe: "There was smoke"; Trump: "We will have a plan that is far better than Obamacare"; Stacey Abrams: I wasn't "lifted up" post-election like Beto O'Rourke; "Race plays a part"; Biden says "white man's culture" has to change; Chief Prosecutor admits Smollett could've been proven guilty, says there's a "slim" chance he would've gone to prison; Comes after al...

Trump wants to kill all of Obamacare; Democrats welcome the fight, DOJ Official: Public should see Mueller report within weeks, Pelosi: Trump's Attorney General believes Trump is "Above the law"

March 27, 2019 02:14 - 45 minutes - 20.8 MB

Trump says "Mueller report" he has not seen "Could not have been better'; Falsely claims there was "No obstruction"Trump, emboldened by Barr summary of Mueller report, now sets sights on striking down all parts of Obamacare, Senate: Trump said he wants to keep Green New Deal alive because issue hurts Democrats, DOJ Official: Weeks, not months, to release Mueller report to public amid growing questions about Barr's summary; No plans to share in advance with White House, Pelosi slams Barr's mem...

WH official: WH has not seen the full Mueller Report as Trump takes victory lap, concluding "total exoneration"; Source: Mueller told Justice Dept. weeks ago he would not reach conclusion on whether Trump obstructed justice; Trump accuses his critics of "

March 26, 2019 04:36 - 41 minutes - 19.2 MB

Trump OK with report's release: "Wouldn't bother me at all"; House Intel Chair moving forward on Trump probe, says it's always been focused on whether Trump has been compromised; Top Republican calls on Schiff to step down as Intel Chair; Ken Starr slams Mueller for not reaching decision on obstruction; Giuliani tells Wash Post Trump is not considering pardons as Trump claims he hasn't "thought about it"; McConnell blocks resolution calling for Mueller Report to be made public; Same resolutio...

Mueller completes Russia probe, submits confidential report

March 23, 2019 02:25 - 48 minutes - 22.3 MB

White House lawyers are with Trump at Mar-A-Lago; Source: No further indictments; Mueller submits report; Attorney General tells lawmakers he may be able to release "principal conclusions" this weekend; Mueller probe ends without Trump sit-down interview or subpoena; 37 people & entities charged including 6 Trump associates via Knit

White House bracing for imminent Mueller report; Democrats evaluating their next steps after white house rejects request for documents tied toTrump communications with Putin; Democrats: Jared Kushner may be responsible for "Major Security breach" Over use

March 22, 2019 08:27 - 45 minutes - 20.7 MB

White House bracing for imminent Mueller report; White house prepping possible scenarios, bracing for Mueller report; Democrats evaluating their next steps after white house rejects request for documents tied toTrump communications with Putin; Democrats: Jared Kushner may be responsible for "Major Security breach" Over use of untouchable messaging app; Jared Kushner accused of using encrypted app to talk to foreign leaders; unknown if classified information passed through; Time magazine dubs...

Hope Hicks to cooperate with Dem probe into Trump, docs sought from "any personal or work diary" about Trump; Trump goes on vicious 5-min tirade against John McCain: "McCain didn't get the job done for our great vets"; Trump says "we have the best economy

March 21, 2019 03:00 - 43 minutes - 19.9 MB

Ex-Trump aide Hope Hicks to cooperate with Dem probe into Trump as White House is accused of "unprecedented" stonewalling; Trump for first time: "I don't mind" if Mueller report released; Trump doubles down on McCain attacks: "I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted" and "I didn't get a thank you"; Fed cuts growth forecast, says economic ctivity has slowed; Report: Half of U.S. Federal Revenue coming from individual income taxes; Only 6.2% from corporate taxes; Trump escalates George Co...

Source: Rosenstein staying at Justice Department to be "Heat shield" and absorb punches from any Mueller report fallout, Trump: Last thing we want in the United States is socialism

March 20, 2019 01:53 - 43 minutes - 19.9 MB

Judiciary committee: Bannon, Barrack have turned over 6K+ documents for Trump probe, but White House missed deadline to turn over records, Documents related to hush money payments released, but heavily redacted; reveals Trump Organization is ongoing, Mueller's team asks for extension in key court filing because they face a "Press of other work", Trump slams 2020 Democrats while standing next to world leader: "The last thing we want in the U.S. is socialism", Senator Kamala Harris jumps 8 poin...

CNN: White House expects to see Mueller findings before Congress, attorneys want opportunity to claim executive privilege on info; Kellyanne Conway forced to say Trump is mentally fit as her husband tweets definition of "narcissistic personality disorder"

March 19, 2019 02:33 - 41 minutes - 18.8 MB

Trump's White House forced to say he's "not a white supremacist"; Trump aide: "Don't think anybody can say the President is Anti-Muslim"; Union Chief responds to Trump tweeting that he "ought to get his act together" on closure of GM plant; Latino voter: I'd like to see the wall longer and taller; Trump says Latino voters love him (but do they?); Beto O'Rourke gets the late-night treatment via Knit

New video shows police arresting mosque massacre suspect; accused of killing 49 people, injuring 20 more; Major U.S. cities increase security around mosques; Official: FBI sees uptick in domestic terror arrests; Mueller says ex-Trump aide Gates helping wi

March 16, 2019 06:18 - 42 minutes - 19.3 MB

Trump dismisses rise of white nationalism after mosque massacre suspect leaves behind anti-immigrant manifesto; Trump slams Russia probe: "There should be no Mueller report"; Mueller seeks delay in sentencing for ex-Trump aide Rick Gates, cites help with "several ongoing investigations"; Kushner lawyer praises Mueller amid speculation probe is winding down: "I don't know of a special counsel who's done it better"; Trump slams "fake dossier" despite several claims being verified; Trump issues ...

Federal prosecutors request "back channel" emails between Cohen and Trump's lawyer; Nadler: Emails suggest pardon; Trump warns his police, military and biker supporters could get "tough" on his opponents: "It would be very bad"; Beto O'rourke kicks off ca

March 15, 2019 09:41 - 44 minutes - 20.5 MB

Federal prosecutors request "back channel" emails between Cohen and Trump's lawyer; Nadler: Emails suggest pardon; House judiciary chair: If Trump-Cohen back channel is true, it'd be "terrible" obstruction of justice and abuse of power; Trump ignores question on Kushner's security clearance; Trump warns his police, military and biker supporters could get "tough" on his opponents: "It would be very bad"; Beto O'rourke kicks off campaign with Iowa trip and vanity fair cover professing he's bor...

House Judiciary Chair: Former Acting Attorney General Whitaker didn't deny talking with Trump about Michael Cohen; Trump says Manafort case revealed "no collusion" was "proven today"; Trump announces grounding of all Boeing 737 Max jets

March 14, 2019 03:28 - 42 minutes - 19.4 MB

Ex-Acting Attorney General Whitaker privately raised questions about scope of Cohen case, called some charges "specious"; Emails detail "back channel" between Cohen and Trump's lawyer; Judge: Question of collusion was "not resolved"; Judge calls out Manafort's claim of "no collusion": "It's hard to understand why an attorney would write that"; Paul Manafort sentenced to another 43 months in prison for 7.5 years total; NY charges Manafort with multiple crimes in new case; FAA: New info shows s...

Paul Manafort to be sentenced again; faces up to 10 years, Trump slams investigators after 2 banks tied to Trump Organization subpoenaed, Schiff warns Congress may be forced to redo Mueller probe

March 13, 2019 01:42 - 41 minutes - 19.1 MB

Manafort face second sentencing tomorrow; case includes contacts with Russian who has alleged Russian intelligence ties, Trump claims "The witch hunt continues" after New York Attorney General subpoenas 2 banks tied to Trump Organization projects, Trump slams "Presidential harassers" after New York Attorney General subpoenas Trump's longtime bank, Schiff warns Congress would be forced to retrace Mueller's steps if Justice Department fails to provide Mueller evidence, Nadler to CNN: Not "Shutt...

Pelosi: Trump "just not worth" impeachment, but says Trump is ethically and intellectually unfit to be President; White House won't say if Trump said Democrats hate Jews; White House dodges on Trump's claim that Cohen asked him for pardon

March 12, 2019 03:17 - 42 minutes - 19.6 MB

Trump requests $8.6 billion for wall in new budget; Sarah Sanders refuses to "get into specifics" on Trump's claim that Cohen "directly" asked for pardon; Sanders dodges and deflects on multiple Michael Cohen questions in first White House press briefing in 42 days; Schiff: "Mistake" for Mueller to not have Trump testify under oath; Miami Herald: Founder of spa linked to Kraft charges brought Chinese business people to Trump fundraiser; FAA declines to ground Boeing 737 Max 8, says it's unkno...

Communications Chief resigns, Trump said to be "very disappointed in him" for not improving press coverage; Trump claims "fraudster" Cohen "directly" asked him for pardon, Cohen says "just another set of lies" by president; U.S. added only 20,000 jobs las

March 09, 2019 03:36 - 47 minutes - 21.8 MB

Trump admin. has historically high staff turnover rate; Trump: Dems are now an "anti-Israel" & "anti-Jewish party"; Reagan Budget Chief calls Trump "delusional, unhinged madman"; Manafort attorney echoes Trump on "no collusion" raising questions about a pardon for Manafort; Trump: Manafort judge says there's no collusion (he didn't); Miami Herald: Ex-owner of spa linked to Kraft arrest photographed with Trump, high-profile Republicans; He gets carded for beer, and he's running for president; ...

Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Judge called . Mueller recommendation of 19-25 years "Excessive"; Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Trump seizes on Cohen's lawyer contradicting

March 08, 2019 04:45 - 53 minutes - 24.6 MB

Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; faces . second . sentence next week for two more crimes; Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Judge called . Mueller recommendation of 19-25 years "Excessive"; Paul Manafort sentenced to 47 months in prison; Trump seizes on Cohen's lawyer contradicting his testimony; Trump seizes on allegations Cohen may have lied to Congress on Pardon talks as administration official says DOJ may need ...

Atty: Michael Cohen authored false line in testimony to Congress; Trump & Ivanka attorneys signed off on it; Trade deficit explodes under Trump's "America First" policies; Rep. to Secretary Nielsen: "Either you are lying...or you don't know what's happeni

March 07, 2019 04:41 - 41 minutes - 18.9 MB

Michael Cohen just wrapped up closed-door hearing, promises to "continue to cooperate to the fullest extent"; Michael Cohen says he is willing to provide more documents to Congress as he wraps up closed-door meeting; U.S. trade deficit explodes to 10-year high under Trump, despite Trump's promise to cut the deficit; Democrats accuse Nielsen of lying or ignorance on border policies; Ocasio-Cortez, Pelosi join forces to pressure moderate Democrats; Dem Rep. On Ocasio-Cortez: Democrats should no...

White House, GOP in standoff with Democrats as Trump faces more scrutiny, Trump blames campaign politics for investigations, New York State subpoenas Trump Organization's insurance broker

March 06, 2019 02:49 - 41 minutes - 19.2 MB

Top Democrat: White House rejects demand for documents on security clearances; White House slams Democrats for "Overly intrusive document requests", House Democrats to bring resolution condemning antisemitism after controversial comments from Rep. Omar, House Democrats to bring resolution condemning antisemitism; debating whether to add language to condemn anti-muslim bias, Trump claims Democrats are launching "Fishing expedition" because "They could not stand losing in 2016", New York State ...

Top Democrat's first interview since launching sweeping Trump probe; House Judiciary Chair Nadler defends sweeping probe into Trump: "This is not a pre-impeachment hearing"; Pompeo, Bolton defend Trump after he sides with Kim Jong Un on tortured American

March 05, 2019 04:31 - 43 minutes - 19.9 MB

House Judiciary Chair's first interview since launching Trump probe into possible obstruction, corruption & abuse of power; Nadler on sweeping Trump probe: "Absolutely" willing to subpoena; Nadler: Ivanka Trump "quite conceivably" on next Judiciary probe list; Nadler: We have to make sure this is not a dictatorship; Nadler on Trump probe: "This is not a pre-impeachment hearing"; Bolton on Trump taking Kim's word on Otto Warmbier: "It doesn't mean that he accepts it as reality"; Ocasio-Cortez:...

Oversight Chair demands WH docs on security clearances amid reports Trump ordered clearance for Kushner; Manafort lawyers plead for shorter sentence in VA fraud case, claim Mueller is trying to "vilify" him; Trump accuses Dems of targeting his finances fo

March 02, 2019 04:04 - 42 minutes - 19.5 MB

Oversight Cmte: WH refuses to confirm or deny whether Kelly and McGahn memos on Kushner's security clearance exist; Oversight cmte issues ultimatum to WH over security clearances; Dem calls on Hannity to testify after he claims Cohen told him "at least a dozen times" Trump unaware of hush payments; Christie: SDNY trying to build case against Trump for when he's out of office, remains bigger threat than Mueller; Dems want Trump's tax returns amid questions about fraud; Top Dem warns party not ...

Michael Cohen to testify again before house intel next week after wrapping up third congressional hearing today; New York Times: Trump ordered officials to give Jared Kushner security clearance despite objections from intel community; Former Trump associa

March 01, 2019 03:49 - 47 minutes - 21.6 MB

Michael Cohen to testify again before house intel next week after wrapping up third congressional hearing today; Michael Cohen to testify again before house intel next week; others who may be called: Ivanka, Don Jr. and Trump organization CFO; New York Times: Trump ordered officials to give Jared Kushner security clearance despite objections from intel community; Former Trump associate Felix Sater to testify publicly March 14; Had key role in plans for Trump tower in Moscow; Meadows rejects...

Michael Cohen testifies for 7+ hours, alleges Trump lied about hush money payments, Moscow project and Wikileaks; Trump about to meet with Kim Jong Un after his ex-attorney testifies Trump is a "conman" who repeatedly lied

February 28, 2019 03:39 - 49 minutes - 22.7 MB

Cummings: It appears Trump committed crime while in office; Oversight CMTE Chair on whether Trump committed a crime while in office: "It appears that he did"; Cohen on Trump: "He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat"; Michael Cohen, who once said he'd "take a bullet" for Trump, testifies he's "not protecting Mr. Trump anymore"; Michael Cohen: NY prosecutors are investigating other potentially illegal acts by Trump; Cohen: Trump called to coordinate public messaging over hush payments, a...


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