In this second episode on the life of Charles Darwin, Rob and Joe discuss multiple myths about Darwin’s life, including the false ideas that he first thought of evolution while on the Galapagos and that he recanted his views on evolution on his deathbed. Other topics include finch beaks and Darwin’s rewriting the story of their discovery, his (abhorrent) views on race, and the fact that he died believing in the Lamarckian “inheritance of acquired characteristics” view.

In this second episode on the life of Charles Darwin, Rob and Joe discuss multiple myths about Darwin’s life, including the false ideas that he first thought of evolution while on the Galapagos and that he recanted his views on evolution on his deathbed. Other topics include finch beaks and Darwin’s rewriting the story of their discovery, his (abhorrent) views on race, and the fact that he died believing in the Lamarckian “inheritance of acquired characteristics” view.

Black and white twins

What is a species?

Why didn’t Darwin discover Mendel’s laws?

Mendelian scientists prior to new-Darwinian synthesis

Darwin’s Lamarckism vindicated?

Epigeneitcs and sperm

Darwin’s finches


Inbreeding among all members of the cat kind

Peter and Rosemary Grant’s research in the Galapagos

Domesticated foxes

Darwin statement that Christianty is “damnable doctrine”

Darwin’s influence on the legal system