Charles Darwin is a man of legend in science history. The real man’s influence shaped much of the progress and setbacks culture experiences today. Dr Rob Carter and Joseph Darnell take a journey through Darwin's times and accomplishments to shed like on the man, and separate the man from wayward legends that obscure key insights into the creation and evolution debate.

Charles Darwin is a man of legend in science history. The real man’s influence shaped much of the progress and setbacks culture experiences today. Dr Rob Carter and Joseph Darnell take a journey through Darwin's times and accomplishments to shed like on the man, and separate the man from wayward legends that obscure key insights into the creation and evolution debate.

Coronaviruses in creation

(Article podcast) Did God Make Pathogenic Viruses?

(Video) Talk: Coronavirus

Darwin’s arguments against God

Darwin, Lyell and Origin of Species

Darwin’s bulldog—Thomas H. Huxley

Darwin, slavery, and abolition

Darwinism: It was all in the family

Did Darwin recant?

(Documentary) Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World