I spent a weekend w/an amazing family a month back that left an amazing impression on me. 


Billy & Beth have the gift of hospitality. They picked up that gift / superpower from their parents and grandparents. 


I share some of my lessons learned from spending a weekend w/both parents & their awesome kids. 


Here are some of the questions that came up for me: 


How do you make others feel when they’re around you? 


What emotions do others feel when they leave your presence?


What impact do you have on others? 


What does it take to be good at “hospitality”? 


What are 1 or 2 things you could do to be more intentional at making others feel welcome & valuable when they’re around you? 


If you’re ready to take your emotional growth to the next level, join the EQ Mafia at https://www.eqgangster.com/.