Whew, this one is difficult. I just wrapped up a coaching session w/a client that is going through a very, very challenging life phase. 


He tried to play it off by saying “It’s all good. I’m good. It’s all gonna work out.” 


I told him he doesn’t have to play the tough guy w/me. I know he’s tough. He’s very strong. He also needs to allow himself to experience the intensity of the emotions he’s going through & will continue to go through while he’s in this situation. 


How prepared are you to go through another one of life’s valleys? 


How ready do you feel? 


How do you want to go through the next valley? 


How well do you go alongside a friend or family member who is struggling or going through a valley? Are you mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually available & present for them? 


How can you better prepare yourself for a valley either that you or a loved one will go through? 


If you’re ready to take your emotional growth to the next level, join the EQ Mafia at https://www.eqgangster.com/.


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