Such an awesome discussion w/Alden Mills!   

Here are some of the things we discussed:

Why have you been so successful? 


Thinking - Feeling Loop:

Thought - electrical impulse

Feeling - magnetic charge


How well can you tell when something aligns with your values? 


How in tune are you with how something feels in your body? 


How would you counsel / coach yourself? 


How intentional are you at dedicating time to reflecting? 


Ego, armor, social mask - how is it serving you or hindering you? 


How can we increase our self-awareness? 


How can one discover their super powers? 


How do you get past your own limits & unknowns? 


What systems do you have to consistently evolve & refine your superpowers? 


Focus funnel


The Belief Loop



Unstoppable Teams, Alden Mills


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