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Here are some great insights I’ve discovered on my own emotional growth journey and learning from my leadership coaching clients’ emotional growth journey’s: 


Here is the first 10 lessons. The final 10 lessons are on the podcast / YouTube episode.


1.) You are not your emotions.


2.) Your emotions are real.


3.) Your emotions are data / information.


4.) Your emotions are not who you are.


5.) When feeling intense emotions, don’t say “I AM angry. I AM sad. I AM depressed.” 


Instead, say “I am FEELING angry. I am FEELING sad.” 


6.) You CAN behave differently than how you feel. You can separate how you feel from how you behave.


7.) You can grow your EQ.


8.) Feelings / emotions change.


9.) Emotions aren’t right or wrong or good or bad. Emotions are just data. It’s just information. They may 


10.) Most people are not aware of when they need to recharge or take care of themselves.


If you’re ready to take your emotional growth to the next level, join the EQ Mafia at