Zubin Koticha, CEO & Co-founder of Opyn, joined us again on the show to give us an update on Opyn v2.

Opyn v1 was focused on insurance. It's successor, Opyn v2, offers a more traditional options infrastructure. We discuss the problems of building trustless options infrastructure: choice of collateral, partial collateralization and efficient trading mechanisms for options.

Topics covered in this episode:

An overview of Opyn v1 and the different options created by DeFi usersHow options in DeFi workWhat is new in Opyn v2How the oracle specification worksCapital efficiency - nesting options for collateralizationFungibility of different optionsWhat makes Opyn different to other option platforms?Options and the AMM design

Episode links:

OpynEpicenter Episode 344 - OpynA beginner's guide to options: Opyn v2YieldSpaceOpyn GitHubOpyn on TwitterZubin on Twitter


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This episode is hosted by Sunny Aggarwal & Friederike Ernst. Show notes and listening options: epicenter.tv/385

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