Building a truly decentralised, peer-to-peer network, based on a built-in identity system, limits the ecosystem’s interoperability with the outside world. Onboarding developers and users to Urbit was only the first hurdle. On-ramping crypto was a whole different & daunting task. Uqbar set out to build an execution layer on top of Urbit, enabling smart contracts, which would ultimately settle, via a ZK rollup, on Starknet.

We were joined by Tim Galebach, founder of Uqbar, to discuss the different design choices involved, from Hoon programming DevEx to a hybrid ZK-optimistic rollup.

Topics covered in this episode:

Tim’s backgroundUrbit explainedHow Uqbar took shapeIntegrating crypto in the Urbit stackHoon’s usability and DevExAI-enabled UqbarUqbar interoperabilityRollup vs. L1 approach for UqbarHybrid ZK-optimistic rollupGetting from programming in Hoon to ZK proofsUse cases for Uqbar & Urbit

Episode links:

Tim Galebach on TwitterUqbar on TwitterUrbit on TwitterUqbar

This episode is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain & Meher Roy. Show notes and listening options:

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